Seeds with shipment information
Seeds with shipment information

"Mysterious and Unsolicited Seed" shipments from China

Author: Martin Settevendemie, County Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer
Date: 7/29/2020 12:18 PM

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has become aware of a number of reports regarding “mysterious and unsolicited” seed shipments from China.

The seed packages, often labeled as jewelry, toys, etc., are being shipped to homeowners throughout the U.S., including San Luis Obispo County. The CDFA is communicating with the United States Department of Agriculture to determine any necessary actions for shipments received in California.

The San Luis Obispo County Department of Agriculture/Weights and Measures is asking residents not to open, plant, or dispose of any unsolicited seed packets received, but to contact our office. “Invasive and exotic species can be detrimental to the environment by impacting native ecosystems, damaging crops and potentially poisoning livestock. Excluding and preventing their introduction is effective in reducing the impact to San Luis Obispo County and to protect our robust agricultural economy,” stated Martin Settevendemie, San Luis Obispo County Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer.

We request recipients of these seeds to contact our office at 805-781-5910 for arrangements to collect, isolate and properly store the seed. If you have planted the seeds, please contact our department for additional direction.

For additional information, you can contact Edwin Moscoso, Deputy Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer, at 805-781-1214.