lime green background with ribbons and text overlay that reads 'May is Mental Health Month'

Now More than Ever We Need to Take Care of our Mental Health

Author: Behavioral Health Department
Date: 5/8/2020 2:06 PM

The Behavioral Health Department is encouraging community members to be involved in May Mental Health Awareness Month.

The County of San Luis Obispo Behavioral Health Department is kicking off May Mental Health month by sharing messaging of hope, kindness and recovery. May Mental Health Awareness Month has historically helped reduce stigma, build wellness, break down barriers to treatment, and has overall helped strengthen our local communities.

Over 450 million people world-wide suffer from a mental illness, including 1 in 5 Americans. Now more than ever amid COVID-19 it is vital to recognize the importance of taking care of your mental health. As physical distancing and the Shelter at Home order continues, people are struggling to maintain good mental health. Now more than ever the department encourages individuals to reach out for help and know they are not alone.

“May Mental Health month is all about spreading awareness, love and support in our community. It's about opening up and sharing our own experiences with others, so we can all make it through hard times together, especially now during our state of emergency.” said Caroline Johnson, Communications Coordinator for Behavioral Health. “We know this year things look a little different and although we are not able to have our usual big events, we are still challenging everyone to show their support for mental health in other ways.”

The Behavioral Health Department is partnering with Transitions Mental Health Association (TMHA) to host ‘Mental Health Resource Drive Thrus’ for the community. The drive thrus will offer SLO County residents a chance to pick up mental health care packages and learn about ways they can receive virtual mental health supports during the COVID-10 pandemic.

Behavioral Health has also created a web page where community members and mental health advocates can go and show their support for Mental Health Awareness month. The website includes down loadable resources for the community as well as virtual and at-home activities meant to inspire individuals and families to practice self-care and start conversations around mental health.

The department will be highlighting the different ways San Luis Obispo County residents’ show their support on their Facebook and Instagram as well. Virtual awards will be given to outstanding citizens and community organizations who support Mental Health Awareness Month efforts. To get involved, the public can visit and/or follow Behavioral Health on Facebook and Instagram at @slobehavioralhealth.