Joint Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) and Regional Water Management Group (RWMG)

This is an in-person, joint meeting between the WRAC and the Regional Water Management Group (RWMG) for the County’s Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Program. We hope all will enjoy this unique, crossover meeting as we resume our in-person meetings. It will also be broadcasted over Zoom. 

Please note, voting members must be physically present in order to count toward the quorum and cast a vote. 

Main topics will be hearing from staff about the Flood Control and Water Conservation District Budget and Priorities for the upcoming fiscal year and receiving presentations from the agencies who submitted applications to be considered for the District's next IRWM grant application. It will be a fun time to hear about what's going on in and around the County!

To join the Zoom meeting from your computer, go to: 

Call-in information: 1(669) 900 6833, Meeting ID: 867 2195 4088, Passcode: 179990

Date: 5/4/2022 1:30 PM
Location: City of SLO Council Chambers, 990 Palm St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401