Who’s in Custody

Inmate Lookup

Please fill in the fields to lookup inmates currently in custody of the San Luis Obispo County Jail.
Disclaimer: The data contained on this website should not be relied upon for any type of legal action. For more information contact the Jail at (805) 781-4600.

New Service

Inmate Mail: You can now send friends and family letters and photographs via email, in lieu of the Postal Service. Here’s how:

  • Send email to: sh-inmatemail@co.slo.ca.us
  • Email Subject Line must contain the following information:
  • Inmate Last Name, First Name and Inmate Identification Number
  • For example: Doe, John ID# 8675309


  • Money orders still must be sent via the Postal Service.
  • Acceptable attachments: JPEG, GIF or BMP image formats and PDF, TXT or DOC(x) document formats. We will NOT accept videos or non-standard file formats.
  • No more than 3 emails per sender, per day
  • No more than 6 pages per email
  • No manuals, publications, song lyrics or memes