AGENDASan Luis Obispo County Bicycle Advisory Committee Tuesday, Aug 9th, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. IN‐PERSON
County Government Center // 1055 Monterey St. Room 161 & 162 // San Luis Obispo, CA 93408
The Bicycle Advisory Committee promotes the expanded use of bicycle transportation by working together with County staff to develop the County Bikeways Plan, reviewing the Plan and present a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for its adoption; by reviewing the policies and programs related to bicycling in the Circulation Element of the County General Plan and Local Coastal Plan and making recommendations on the goals and their implementation to the Board of Supervisors; and by reviewing the policies and programs related to bicycling in the Bikeways Element of the Regional Transportation Plan and providing input to the Board of Supervisors on the goals and their implementation.
4 / 7 members required to reach quorum
Members of the audience wishing to address the Committee on pertinent matters other than scheduled agenda items may do so when recognized by the Chair. Upon recognition by the Chair, please state your name and address. Comments are limited to three minutes. The Committee cannot discuss any matter unless it is listed on the agenda, in accordance with the Brown Act. The Committee may agendize these matters for future consideration.
If you are unable to attend the meeting, please visit the County BAC website to submit your public comments in advance:‐Works/Committees‐Programs/Bicycle‐Advisory‐Committee.aspx
For Reference see June 2, 2016 BAC Meeting Minutes:‐Works/Forms‐Documents/Committees‐Programs/Bicycle‐Advisory‐Committee/Minutes/2016/2016‐06‐02‐BAC‐Minutes.pdf
9.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMSAgenda items are to be submitted to the BAC chair and secretary no later than two (2) weeks ahead of the scheduled meeting. Requests shall include the desired recommendation, discussion, and any other items to be included into the meeting agenda.
Future Meetings
San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Advisory Committee Tuesday, May 10th, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. IN‐PERSON
County Government Center // 1055 Monterey St. Room 161 & 162 // San Luis Obispo, CA 93408
The Bicycle Advisory Committee promotes the expanded use of bicycle transportation by working together with County staff to develop the County Bikeways Plan, reviewing the Plan and present a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for its adoption; by reviewing the policies and programs related to bicycling in the Circulation Element of the County General Plan and Local Coastal Plan and making recommendations on the goals and their implementation to the Board of Supervisors; and by reviewing the policies and programs related to bicycling in the Bikeways Element of the Regional Transportation Plan and providing input to the Board of Supervisors on the goals and their implementation.
4 / 7 members required to reach quorum
Members of the audience wishing to address the Committee on pertinent matters other than scheduled agenda items may do so when recognized by the Chair. Upon recognition by the Chair, please state your name and address. Comments are limited to three minutes. The Committee cannot discuss any matter unless it is listed on the agenda, in accordance with the Brown Act. The Committee may agendize these matters for future consideration.
Deborah Howe – Curious about an applicant’s application for District 2, haven’t heard anything. Skip – says to call and inquire Josh O – Speaking on behalf of a community member for traffic speed on Pecho RD coming from Montana de Oro from LOVR be reduced to 35 from 45, 25 at very top
If you are unable to attend the meeting, please visit the County BAC website to submit your public comments in advance:‐Works/Committees‐ Programs/Bicycle‐Advisory‐Committee.aspx
Debora – Buckley Rd, bike lanes along city sections, Avila Ranch property. What is the latest? Josh R – BOS voted to not continue as lead agency for the Hwy 227 corridor projects, included Buckley Rd intersection. Have a fee program associated with those projects, plan is to re-cast fee program to include all South SLO County not just 227. Fiduciary responsibility to contribute, still in discussion on how to move forward. Buckley corridor there has been funding set aside for development. Envision oh intersection work together in regional transportation, private property to the South and Airport to the North. Skip – Repair and maintenance of the roadways - Bike community concerned with shoulders and bike lanes. Josh R. – 3 types of work, corrective maintenance (potholes etc) Prep, and funding becomes available perform project. Limitations on funding. Cannot guarantee the condition of the roads. If hazard to bicyclists, call in, address, put it on the record. Public comment - LOVR study – Can you extend to the beginning of MDO? Josh R – Opportunity is limited to priorities elsewhere in town. Deborah – Clarification on Old Creek, patching it? West bound into Cayucos where it’s been paved, shoulder, riding in the middle of lane? Anticipation of completion. Josh - Everything in Cayucos and all of Old Creek Rd is being re-surfaced. Hopeful before Summer. Edge to edge. Reinforce, see something say something
Public commenter on behalf of Caltrans - Started construction Torro Creek, Northbound on State Route 1, bridge replacement 1 year project. Press release there is an 8 ft width for cyclists to Southbound bridge.
Public Commenter 2 - Good visibility, vehicles traveling quickly northbound from Morro Bay to Cayucos, no blind spots, good signage. Skip – History review of the bridges in mention.
APCD – No, monies available is sparse, but a possibility, a conversation to be had.
2)Update on the Atascadero/Templeton connector?Shawn C – Public works managing this project, 60% construction documents, working through ROW issues with Caltrans. Partially complete, ATP grant, cost escalations, changes to the route, may be looking for some additional supple mental funding for the project.
Shaun C – Determined owner of the billboard. Looking at ways to raise it up, will work around it. Understanding is that it's not removable. Owners are not willing to remove it so its an issue of working around it. Within the City of Atascadero’s property, in which rules apply.
Skip – Cannot make out audio? Commentary Needed? Josh – Bikeways plan, shown as a class 2, would be covered. Nothing proposed passed Rodman.
destination? Aprox 50 people in attendance, Discussions with CalPoly professors, RTA, SLOCOGG, Charles Gandy – Long Beach, Jim Brown – Sacramento, two well known bike advocates.
11.8m. 7m to allocate. Going through a racking, scoring process?
Skip – Follow up with BAC once ranked? Safety vs connectivity. John - Stage of process is data cleaning, in beginning stages. Public Commenter 1– What stage is SLOCOG in expansion of 101 Avila to Grover? John D – Program - state solutions for congested corridor, call for grant out Oct/Nov to go for the 65m required. Public commenter 1 – What project would come first with money? John D - To qualify for programs, state processes have changed. Complete streets culture has changed. A requirement to win grant, prioritize AT components. Vision and concept is to continue in the same light as Shell Beach restaurant area. NB to Avila Beach Dr, through Shell Beach Rd. Public Commenter 1 – Bike ln crossover westside to subshell Beach Rd, recommends Eastside. Less driveways to negotiate. John – Eastside is being looked at as part of the package. Public comment 2 - A fatality in Templeton, SLO bike club news, individual who lost control of his bike hit head on culvert. Important for committee to know about bike crashes.
Michelle Matsen – From Central Coast Transportation Consulting, working with SLOCOG on Pacific Coast Bike Route and US 95 signs. Changes in the routes in Cayucos and eliminate uncontrollable left turns on Hwy 1. Went through plan set and developed? Entire County concentrating on Caltrans and SLO County locations which they agreed to maintain the signs. Before construction started, there was a pause, wanted to do for Pacific Coast bike route and US bike route 95 and cover the county, to make one complete plan put in place. Re-started the project to incorporate bike route 95. Most locations will have Pacific Coast designations, every 4 signs. Discussing various existing signage throughout the county and new signage in process. working with the city of morro bay on signage as well. County line to County line. Changes now starting in Morro Bay, 95 scheduled to deviate between MB and SLO, 95, using South Bay Blvd and Foothill Rd. SB at LOVR and Foothill controlled lefts. Skip – comments on Hwy 1 route, bicycle tourists Muffled Audio John D – Central Coast Trans Consultant is working for SLCOG, SLOCOG has asked the consultant to re-
route the Pacific Coast bike route to Follow bike route 95. Trying to bolster exposure of South Bay Blvd as a corridor into Los Osos and emphasize the connection to Morro Bay. A lot in the pipeline regarding, from broadband, electric, pipes, to the bridge on South Bay, improving relations with State Parks that holds most lands. Sent email to Shawn last week, wants to know how many hikers/bikers that were doing the trail El Choro. Additionally, have asked consultant and adventure cycling to give a presentation into the Central Coast coalition. Made up of Monterey, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo Counties. Present plan to other counties so they’d know what was coming with bike route 95.
Skip – You need money Public Comment – Wants a copy of Deborah’s plan. Hoping to spur some action. Josh – It’s state property. Comment – Things are slow, but grass roots decisions bring ideas. Step by step generational process.
North County (Place Holder) – Allison Bradshaw talking points & discussion items – Not Present
Wants to look at minutes from the last 8 meetings to see where we’re headed. Issue with members that do not show up to meetings. Important to have a quorum with complete representation. Josh – Skip to reference BOS, on the cover of BOS webpage, a link for what the transition looks like, district map transition. Deborah Howe – brings up point with this being election year, BOS work for us, get the relationship correct and a good time to be heard.
For Reference see June 2, 2016 BAC Meeting Minutes:‐Documents/Committees‐Programs/Bicycle‐Advisory‐Committee/Minutes/2016/2016‐06‐02‐BAC‐Minutes.pdf
Commenter – What bike plans have happened in the last five years? Skip – Explains bike plans that have been implemented over the years.
9.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMSAgenda items are to be submitted to the BAC chair and secretary no later than two (2) weeks ahead of the scheduled meeting. Requests shall include the desired recommendation, discussion, and any other items to be included into the meeting agenda. Commenter – like to make a request, like to see CHP represented, come with reports. Suggests a phone call to get CHP involved. Will follow up with a call.
10.ADJOURNAll in favorFuture Meetings
G:\Transportation\_Traffic Operations\Bicycle\BAC\Contacts\SLO BAC Contact List 2022 Shell Beach Road - Page 1
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