The Flood Control Zone 9 Advisory Committee
meeting that was scheduled for
February 9, 2022, is cancelled.
On-going updates are included below.
Next Regular Meeting Wednesday, April 13, 2022, at 1:30 PM
“The purpose of the Zone 9 Advisory Committee: SECTION 1: To advise the County Board of Supervisors concerning all policy decisions relating to Zone 9. The Committee shall determine the needs, desires, and financial capabilities of the property owners in Zone 9 and, upon deliberation, shall convey to the Board of Supervisors their recommendations with respect to the objectives of said zone. SECTION 2: To recommend to the Board of Supervisors specific programs to alleviate and control flood damage within Zone 9 with recognition of the ecological and aesthetic values of the programs. Further, to recommend to the Board of Supervisors other programs within Zone 9 concerning the objects and purposes of the Flood Control District Act. SECTION 3: To recommend methods of financing programs for Zone 9.” – Excerpts from the By-Laws adopted March 1, 2011
FILE: CF 340.180.05
TO: Zone 9 Advisory Committee
FROM: Brandon Zuniga, Water Resources Engineer, Public Works, County of San Luis Obispo
DATE: February 1, 2022
SUBJECT: Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Update
The San Luis Obispo Valley Groundwater Basin Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) is complete and has been submitted to the California Department of Water Resources for approval. The San Luis Obispo Basin is currently preparing an Annual Report for Water Year 2021 as required by SGMA. The DRAFT Annual Report will be presented at the February 9, 2022, meeting of the Groundwater Sustainability Commission (GSC). The public comment period for the Annual Report will begin after the GSC Meeting and remain open for two weeks.
For additional information, please contact: Brandon Zuniga, Water Resources Engineer, San Luis Obispo County, Public Works, [email protected] or (805) 788-2110.
Visit the San Luis Obispo Valley Groundwater Basin SGMA website for mailing list and updates:
“The purpose of the Zone 9 Advisory Committee: SECTION 1: To advise the County Board of Supervisors concerning all policy decisions relating TO:
FROM: Brian Nelson, P.E. Acting City Engineer, City of San Luis Obispo
DATE: January 31, 2022
SUBJECT: Mid-Higuera Flood Control Project Update
FundingThe California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Coastal Watershed Flood Risk Reduction Grant ($6,078,707) was awarded. City of San Luis Obispo (City) staff have met with DWR and will be processing a draft grant funding agreement over the next several months. City staff is seeking matching funding from the County of San Luis Obispo Flood Control District.
DesignThe project design remains relatively unchanged from December 2021. The remaining final design scope of work with the design consultant, Wallace Group includes:
Right-of WayCity staff and Wallace Group are developing permanent and temporary construction easement exhibits for the project where the project impacts adjacent properties. HamnerJewell and Associates, the City Right of Way consultant, is continuing the appraisal process and will be utilizing easement exhibits for costing the acquisitions.
PermitsCity staff have applied for jurisdictional permits. When the plans are at 95% staff will review the project for a Grading Permit and the Air Pollution Control District will review the project for Authority to Construct (NESHAP Permit). A California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Encroachment Permit is not required as the City is responsible for maintenance “The purpose of the Zone 9 Advisory Committee: SECTION 1: To advise the County Board of Supervisors concerning all policy decisions relating of the Marsh Street bridge.
ScheduleThe earliest the project could be constructed is 2023, and work within the creek would occur in the 2023 jurisdictional permit window June - September.
“The purpose of the Zone 9 Advisory Committee: SECTION 1: To advise the County Board of Supervisors concerning all policy decisions relating
FROM: Blaize Uva, Environmental Specialist, Public Works, County of San Luis Obispo
DATE: January 26, 2022
SUBJECT: Mid-Higuera Flood Control Project, Environmental Review Update
Each regulatory agency listed below manages a slice of the San Luis Obispo Creek, within their jurisdiction. Working within any of the agency jurisdictions will trigger the need for permits. The County of San Luis Obispo (County) will send responses to the City of San Luis Obispo (City) for review within the next week. Upon City review and edits, the County will send the responses back to the agencies. Currently there are three active requests for information from permitting agencies for the Mid Higuera Bypass project:
California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) 1600 Permit: The County received a seven-page request for information from CDFW in October 2021. This was quite an effort to compile, analyze, and prepare the requested information as the request triggered additional surveys and report preparation. The County completed a response, including supplementary supporting reports, and will be sending the information to the City of San Luis Obispo (City) to review by the end of this week. Upon review of the City, the information will be sent to CDFW. The fees were ~$5500 and have been paid.
Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) 404 Permit: On December 2, 2021, the County received a request for information from ACOE. The County has compiled the information, and this will be sent along with the CDFW request for information. There is a $10 fee for this permit to be paid upon request of the ACOE.
Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) 401 Permit: The RWQCB sent the County a request for information on December 28, 2021. Most of the information has been prepared and should be on track for submitting by the end of the week. This was a very expensive permit (~$70k) however all fees have been paid. The fee amount is directly correlated to the project’s impact within the Board’s jurisdiction.
“The purpose of the Zone 9 Advisory Committee: SECTION 1: To advise the County Board of Supervisors concerning all policy decisions relating
The City of San Luis Obispo (City) has been working with a contractor to remove downed trees from the creek channel based on the storm events from late December 2021. City staff and the contractor paid special attention to the Marsh Street Bridge where a tree had hung up on the east piling and was causing debris to collect, etcetera. Watershed Steward Program members from the California Conservation Corps and the City were able to cut the tree off the piling and open the channel for free flow after that. Very rewarding!
The City and County of San Luis Obispo staff had a kick-off meeting to review the East Fork of San Luis Obispo Creek and will be developing an assessment with mapped locations of debris jams and opportunities for maintenance for discussion before implementation.
“The purpose of the Zone 9 Advisory Committee: SECTION 1: To advise the County Board of Supervisors concerning all policy decisions relating
FROM: Jon Hall, Land Conservancy
DATE: February 4, 2022
SUBJECT: Invasive Plant Removal, Arundo Update
Arundo treatments are complete for the season.
See attached map for the current populations:
For the month of February, staff are preparing the annual report for the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Aquatic Pesticide Application Plan. In addition, Staff are applying for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Streambed Alteration Agreement to remove the Arundo populations at the Los Osos Valley Road bridge, scheduled for Fall 2022. “The purpose of the Zone 9 Advisory Committee: SECTION 1: To advise the County Board of Supervisors concerning all policy decisions relating
TO: Zone 9 Advisory Committee
FROM: Jennifer Taylor, Water Resources Engineer, Public Works, County of San Luis Obispo
DATE: February 4, 2022
SUBJECT: County Zone 9 Updates
East Fork Limited StudySchaaf & Wheeler Consulting Civil Engineers developed a hydrologic and hydraulic study of the East Fork of San Luis Obispo Creek in the vicinity of Buckley Road and Vachell Lane. Dan Schaaf, P.E. from Schaaf & Wheeler presented preliminary results of the analysis to the Zone 9 Committee and responded to comments from those present at the meeting on December 8, 2021. On January 20, 2021, County staff received the DRAFT East Fork Flood Analysis Report and has compiled comments requesting revisions. Once available, staff will circulate the revised DRAFT report for public comment. County staff continue to collaborate with California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) regarding extension of Buckley Road to South Higuera Street and will also forward the revised DRAFT.
FEMA/FIRMThe Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is in the process of updating Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). FEMA has estimated the timeline of map adoption to be effective summer/fall 2023. Upon receipt of re-issuance of Preliminary Map Products from FEMA the County will prepare mapping and survey information for submittal to FEMA during a 90-day appeal period expected to occur this summer/fall 2022. Staff is beginning to prepare for public outreach associated with the matter.
CITY / COUNTY VEGETATIVE MAINTENANCECity staff (Freddy) and County staff are in regular communication about the pilot vegetative maintenance in County areas. The first three areas to be assessed are attached. “The purpose of the Zone 9 Advisory Committee: SECTION 1: To advise the County Board of Supervisors concerning all policy decisions relating