Notice is hereby given that the Zone 9 Advisory Committee Meeting scheduled for June 8, 2022, is CANCELED
Next Meeting The next scheduled regular meeting is Wednesday, August 10, 2022, from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM.
Location: City of San Luis Obispo Community Development Department 919 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo CA 93401 Conference Room #1
Ongoing Reports Updates from staff and membership which are usually included with agendas are included herein to follow.
“The purpose of the Zone 9 Advisory Committee: SECTION 1: To advise the County Board of Supervisors concerning all policy decisions relating to Zone 9. The Committee shall determine the needs, desires, and financial capabilities of the property owners in Zone 9 and, upon deliberation, shall convey to the Board of Supervisors their recommendations with respect to the objectives of said zone. SECTION 2: To recommend to the Board of Supervisors specific programs to alleviate and control flood damage within Zone 9 with recognition of the ecological and aesthetic values of the programs. Further, to recommend to the Board of Supervisors other programs within Zone 9 concerning the objects and purposes of the Flood Control District Act. SECTION 3: To recommend methods of financing programs for Zone 9.” – Excerpts from the By‐Laws adopted March 1, 2011
FILE: CF 340.180.05
TO: Zone 9 Advisory Committee
FROM: County of San Luis Obispo, Public Works Staff
DATE: May 27, 2022
SUBJECT: Agenda Item #5, Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Update
The San Luis Obispo Valley Groundwater Basin Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) is complete. All managed basins with adopted plans and reports transitioned from the County of San Luis Obispo Public Works Department, Water Resources Division to the new Groundwater Sustainability Department earlier this year.
For additional information, please contact: Blaine Reely, San Luis Obispo County, Groundwater Sustainability Department, [email protected] or (805) 781-4206.
Visit the San Luis Obispo Valley Groundwater Basin SGMA website for mailing list and updates:
During September 2021, the County of San Luis Obispo Water Conservation and Flood Control District (District), in coordination with the City of San Luis Obispo (City), applied for several permits in compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act and provided responses in February 2022 to initial requests for information from the following agencies:
California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Section 1600The initial request for information from CDFW triggered additional surveys and supplemental report preparation. Another request for information during March 2022, prompted a meeting between all parties. The District prepared a third submittal for CDFW review in June 2022.
Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), Section 404During May 2022, the District prepared letters regarding the Endangered Species Act and will be fielding questions from the National Marine Fisheries Service and/or United States Fish and Wildlife Service. In addition, the District has received guidance to move forward with tribal consultation.
Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), Section 401Following a March 2022 site-walk, the District prepared a response to a subsequent request for information from the Regional Board and a 401 Certification is anticipated during summer 2022.
The City is making progress on permanent easements and temporary construction easement appraisals and has so far received appraisals from Hamner, Jewel and Associates for work impacting the Madonna Property west of Bianchi Bridge and the Todd Property adjacent to Mathews open space where channel widening will involve removal of an existing structure on the Todd property. The City also expects to receive a third appraisal for the Hayes property, which is adjacent to Todd. City staff will be requesting negotiating authority from City Council in a closed session the second meeting in July to begin formal negotiations with the property owners. Additionally, City and County staff are negotiating a funding arrangement for the unfunded portion of the project construction phase and City staff are developing a formal letter request for funding support. Wallace Group’s remaining final design work continues as follows:
FROM: Freddy Otte, Biologist, Natural Resources, Office of Sustainability, City of San Luis Obispo
DATE: May 27, 2022
SUBJECT: Agenda #5, San Luis Obispo Creek Maintenance Update
The City has been surveying the creeks in pinch point locations and where there has been flooding in the past (e.g.: Murray and Santa Rosa) and looking for dead material for removal. The City is securing landowner access and identifying where to secure access to as well.
The City and County of San Luis Obispo staff continue efforts to identify opportunities for maintenance and provide descriptions to the District for access agreements and environmental permits as appropriate.
FROM: Jon Hall, Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo
DATE: May 27, 2022
SUBJECT: Agenda #5, Invasive Plant Removal, Arundo
Arundo treatment is complete for the season. There are no other updates at this time.
FROM: Public Works Department Staff
DATE: May 27, 2022
SUBJECT: Agenda #5, East Fork Limited Study
Schaaf & Wheeler Consulting Civil Engineers developed a hydrologic and hydraulic study of the East Fork of San Luis Obispo Creek in the vicinity of Buckley Road and Vachell Lane and presented results to the Zone 9 Advisory Committee at their meeting in December 2021. The County will circulate a revised DRAFT report for comment, once available.
County staff continue to collaborate with parallel California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) and FEMA efforts in the area. Our study and model information will be informative for these State and Federal projects.