NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zone 9 Advisory Committee scheduled for August 10th, 2022 is canceled.
On-going updates are attached to this notice and/or are available at
Or: Visit, select “Committees and Programs”, select “Flood Control Zones”, and select “Zone 9 – San Luis Obispo Creek Watershed”.
Next Meeting The next scheduled regular meeting is Wednesday October 12, 2022 from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM.
“The purpose of the Zone 9 Advisory Committee: SECTION 1: To advise the County Board of Supervisors concerning all policy decisions relating to Zone 9. The Committee shall determine the needs, desires, and financial capabilities of the property owners in Zone 9 and, upon deliberation, shall convey to the Board of Supervisors their recommendations with respect to the objectives of said zone. SECTION 2: To recommend to the Board of Supervisors specific programs to alleviate and control flood damage within Zone 9 with recognition of the ecological and aesthetic values of the programs. Further, to recommend to the Board of Supervisors other programs within Zone 9 concerning the objects and purposes of the Flood Control District Act. SECTION 3: To recommend methods of financing programs for Zone 9.” – Excerpts from the By-Laws adopted March 1, 2011
UpdateDuring September 2021, the County of San Luis Obispo Water Conservation and Flood Control District (District), in coordination with the City of San Luis Obispo (City), applied for several permits in compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act and provided responses in February 2022 to initial requests for information from the following agencies:
California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Section 1600The initial request for information from CDFW triggered additional surveys and supplemental report preparation. Another request for information during March 2022, prompted a meeting between all parties. The District responded to additional CDFW questions in July, including Todd property building information.
Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), Section 404During May 2022, the District prepared letters regarding the Endangered Species Act and will be fielding questions from the National Marine Fisheries Service and/or United States Fish and Wildlife Service. In addition, the District has received guidance to move forward with tribal consultation.
Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), Section 401Following a March 2022 site-walk, the District prepared a response to a subsequent request for information from the Regional Board and a 401 Certification is anticipated during summer 2022.
The City is making progress on permanent easements and temporary construction easement appraisals and has so far received appraisals from Hamner, Jewel and Associates for work impacting the Madonna Property west of Bianchi Bridge and the Todd Property adjacent to Mathews open space where channel widening will involve removal of an existing structure on the Todd property. The City has also received a third appraisal for the Hayes property, which is adjacent to Todd. On July 19th, City staff received negotiating authority from City Council to begin formal negotiations with the Madonna and Todd properties. Staff will return to Council for negotiating authority for the other affected properties once all appraisals are received. Additionally, City and County staff are pursuing a negotiated funding arrangement for the unfunded portion of the project construction phase. In May, City staff transmitted a formal letter request for funding support to County Staff. Wallace Group’s remaining final design work continues as follows:
TO: Zone 9 Advisory Committee FROM: Freddy Otte, Biologist, City of San Luis Obispo DATE: August 10, 2022 SUBJECT: Creek Maintenance Updates
UpdateMinor work has been completed during the last quarter, but efforts will start ramping up in the next month with focused surveys in the creek where we have had debris jams or issues in the past. We will also start reviewing where bridges and culverts constrict the creek system and ensure there are no blockages along any of those. We are looking at labor models to determine what is the most cost effective and efficient given the volume of work and logistics of locations to address. City staff will continue working with County staff to determine what efforts will bring the most benefit over the long term.
TO: Zone 9 Advisory Committee FROM: Jon Hall, Land Conservancy DATE: August 10, 2022 SUBJECT: Arundo Removal Updates
UpdateWe are currently waiting for an approved Purchase Order to begin work. Survey and removal work will begin in August and run through October. We anticipate tackling the large infestation at the upstream end of where Los Osos Valley Road crosses SLO Creek. Funding is secured through US Fish and Wildlife Service and we are waiting on permits through CDFW 1600 program and a Biological Opinion from US Fish and Wildlife Service. In August we will begin coordination with SLO County Sheriff Department and the Landowner to clear the homeless camps out of the area in preparation for work. The California Conservation Corps is scheduled to do the removal work pending any state emergencies that would take them off of the job (i.e. wildfire response).
TO: Zone 9 Advisory Committee FROM: Brendan Clark, Supervising Water Resources Engineer, County Public Works DATE: August 10, 2022 SUBJECT: East Fork Limited Study Updates
UpdateSince the consultant presentation at the December 8th, 2021 meeting, the East Fork Study has experienced significant delays due to staff turnover at both the County and the consultant, Schaaf and Wheeler. County staff has been working closely with Schaaf and Wheeler this Spring and Summer to refine the models, discuss CIP opportunities, and more. We expect a draft report to be completed ahead of our October 12th meeting for Committee review. |