The purpose of the Zone 9 Advisory Committees:
SECTION 1: To advise the County Board of Supervisors concerning all policy decisions relating to Zone 9. The Committee shall determine the needs, desires, and financial capabilities of the property owners in Zone 9 and, upon deliberation, shall convey to the Board of Supervisors their recommendations with respect to the objectives of said zone.
SECTION 2: To recommend to the Board of Supervisors specific programs to alleviate and control flood damage within Zone 9 with recognition of the ecological and aesthetic values of the programs. Further, to recommend to the Board of Supervisors other programs within Zone 9 concerning the objects and purposes of the Flood Control District Act.
SECTION 3: To recommend methods of financing programs for Zone 9.
SECTION 1: The membership of the Committee shall consist of six members and six alternates appointed as follows and confirmed by the County Board of Supervisors:
SECTION 2: Members serve at the pleasure of the appointing organization and the Board of Supervisors.
SECTION 3: Members shall serve for a four-year term or for shorter periods at the pleasure of the appointing organization or the Board of Supervisors. The term of office for half of the members and their respective alternates shall end on December 31 of every other even numbered year; and for the remaining members and their respective alternates shall end December 31 of the opposite alternating even numbered years. Members may serve more than one term. Member assignments for the committee between the two staggered terms shall be made as follows:
Should a member resign or leave the committee, his/her replacement shall serve out the remaining portion of his/her term.
SECTION 4: A position may be considered vacated in the following circumstance:
SECTION 1: Meetings shall be held at least quarterly. More frequent meetings may be scheduled and held as agreed upon by a majority of the Committee members.
SECTION 2: A quorum shall consist of at least four members.
SECTION 3: The Chairman may call a Special Meeting after proper notification of the Committee members. Proper notification shall be deemed to have been met if such notification is written and is delivered personally or by mail 24 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. If all members are present when the special meeting is scheduled then written notification will not be necessary.
SECTION 4: Any decision or recommendation to the Board of Supervisors shall require a majority vote by Committee members for passage. SECTION 5: Any member city, organization, or agency may be notified of a frequent non-attendance of its appointed delegate as determined by the Committee.
SECTION 6: Meetings shall be open to the public. Visitors may express opinions or make requests. The Chairman will open and close the meeting to public comment.
SECTION 7: In the absence of a specific rule or procedure, Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall be followed.
SECTION 1: Officers of the Committee shall consist of the Chairman, ViceĀ Chairman and Secretary.
SECTION 2: The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee shall be selected from the members of the Committee by a vote of the members requiring a majority vote for election. The Secretary may be a nonĀ member but shall be appointed by the Committee by a vote of the members requiring a majority vote for appointment.
SECTION 3: No elected officer of the Committee shall serve more than two (2) consecutive one year terms in the same office.
SECTION 4: Vacated elected offices except Chairman shall be filled by election of the Committee. The Vice-Chairman shall assume the Chairmanship in the event of absence or resignation of the Chairman. |