Notice of Special MeetingAPRIL 28, 2022 – 4:00 PM (THURSDAY) NACIMIENTO PROJECT COMMISSION SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
IN-PERSON LOCATION:(COMMISSIONERS ARE REQUIRED TO BE IN-PERSON) Templeton CSD, Board Meeting Room 206 5th Street, Templeton, CA 93465 (805) 434-4900
VIRTUAL OPTION:(FOR AGENCY STAFF OR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 836 5658 8531 Passcode: 451956 Call in: 1-669-900-6833
AGENDA ITEMS & PUBLIC COMMENTS:For more information: Public comments can be submitted to: [email protected]
Chair: John Peschong; Vice-Chair: John Hamon
VIII.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS DESIRED BY COMMISSIONNext Scheduled Commission Meeting: May 26, 2022
CONTACT: All Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodations shall be promptly reviewed and resolved. Persons who require accommodations for any audio, visual or other disability in order to review an agenda, or to participate in the meeting per the ADA, are encouraged to request such accommodation 48 hours in advance of the meeting from Wes Thomson at (805) 781-5252.
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT (Voting Share %) District (20%): John Peschong (Chair) Paso Robles (33%): John Hamon (Vice Chair) Templeton CSD (2%): Wayne Petersen Atascadero MWC (17%): Grigger Jones City of SLO (28%): Carlyn Christianson CLERK (District): Nola Engelskirger QUORUM: YES (5/5 Seats & Voting Share > 51%)
1.CALL TO ORDERRoll CallThe quarterly meeting of the Nacimiento Project Commission was held on Thursday, April 6th, 2022, at 4:00 P.M. The meeting was held in person at Templeton CSD Board Meeting Room with J. Peschong serving as the Chair, and N. Engelskirger as the Clerk. Present: Hamon, Petersen, Jones, Christianson, and Peschong. None absent. Quorum established.
3.REVIEW OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTESMinutes from February 24, 2022, meeting were presented and approved without changes.Motion for approval: J. Hamon; Seconded by W. Petersen. Motion passed.
6.COMMISSION ACTION ITEMSConsider Approval of the Tesla Battery Energy Storage SystemsAnnie Secrest highlighted points from the staff report regarding the Tesla battery project for which the Commission acted to not approve in November 2021. The staff report in support of a reconsideration included the amendment for the contract between the District and Tesla. The amendment addresses concerns related to the potential for a financial penalty if battery cycling requirements are not met and requires Tesla to maintain a specified level of insurance coverage, in which the District was named as an additional insured party. A. Secrest also highlighted the indemnification side agreement developed between the District and the Participants to address liability concerns related to wildfire or other causes. Motioned for approval of the staff’s recommendation to move forward with the proposed project as amended; G. Jones; Seconded by J. Hamon. Motion passed with full commission support.
8.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS DESIRED BY COMMISSION:Next Commission: Apr. 28, 2022The meeting was adjourned by Jones at approximately 4:11 P.M.
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TO: Nacimiento Project Commission FROM: Katie Franco, Finance-Administrative Services Manager VIA: Nola Engelskirger, Utilities Division Manager DATE: April 28, 2022 SUBJECT: FY 2022-23 Nacimiento Water Operating Fund Budget
The Fiscal Year 2022‐23 Nacimiento Water Operating Proposed Budget is prepared by the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District staff (Department of Public Works). The budget is based on the full allocation of 15,750 acre‐feet of Nacimiento water.
The Proposed Budget is presented and reviewed at the following 21‐22 meetings. Revisions may be made in accordance with Participant input. < >February 24: Distribution to the Commission.March 17: Presentation to the Technical Support Group (TSG) and Finance Committee for review and discussion.April 28: Presentation to the Commission and a formal vote of endorsement.June: District Board of Supervisors’ budget hearings and budget adoption.A summary of the FY 2022‐23 budget by category is displayed in Table 1:
A summary of the FY 2022‐23 installment billings by Participant is displayed in Table 2:
Total Installment Billings to Participants (Table 2):
Total billings to participating agencies increased from the prior year by $547,216 or 3.6%. The increase is explained below within the budget categories.
Billable Routine Operations and Maintenance and Variable Energy (Table 1):
Routine Operations and Maintenance billings will be $35,220 higher than the prior year budget primarily due to an overall increase in O&M efforts for the Naci units (General through T‐11) in the amount of $75,200, there is also a budgeted increase in Engineering labor costs by $51,386 compared to FY 21‐22. These increases are offset by notable decreases in the Master Water Contract billable costs of $45,014, a decrease in the budget estimate for environmental mitigation labor costs $33,777 and decrease in contributions for ISF equipment $17,750.
While the Variable Energy budget is not included in the installment billings to Participants, the budget/estimate is included in the table for reference. Budgetary/estimated amounts are higher than the prior year budget based upon requested deliveries to the participating agencies and related energy pumping costs.
Billable Non‐Routine Operations and Maintenance (Tables 1 and 3):
Non‐Routine billings are $513,600 higher than the prior year budget due to changes in the following projects, based on 5‐year Capital Improvement Plan reviewed with the Technical Support Group at the November and December scheduled meetings.
TABLE 32021-22
2022-23 Budget Dollar Change
c.f.: carry forward remaining budget from prior year to continue the project
Billable Capital Outlay and Reserves (Tables 1 and 4):
Capital and Reserve billings remains budgeted at $100,000 from the prior year budget, based on discussions with the Technical Support Group. This was primarily due to the addition of the unanticipated non‐routine capital projects budget.
TABLE 42021-22 Budget 2022-23 Budget
Dollar Change
Not shown above is $100,000 of capital outlay, funded from reserves, which is budgeted annually as a contingency should a mid‐year emergency expenditure become necessary.
Billable Debt Service (Table 1): Debt service payments reflect the payment schedule from the 2018 bond refinancing. Billable debt service is essentially flat from the prior fiscal year. 8 |