
Residents and visitors are encouraged to visit ReadySLO.org for emergency information in San Luis Obispo County.

This one-stop resource provides important information and resources to residents and visitors before, during and after a local emergency.

This rain and stream real-time data monitoring website is managed by the Water Resources Division of SLO County Public Works Department. This data is used to monitor hydrologic conditions during storm events and to provide the public with current hydrologic snapshots for the County and its vicinity. Historical rain and stream data can also be obtained from this website.

For guidance on how to navigate this site, click on FAQ

If you have any questions or comments regarding the County’s rain and stream data, please email [email protected], ATTN: Water Resources Tech Unit

Questions or comments regarding reservoir data can be directed as follows:

Data contained at this site are from automated sensors, are provisional, and have not been verified for accuracy. The County of San Luis Obispo does not warrant the accuracy of the data and is not responsible for damages resulting from its use.

24 Hour Rain Increment (inches) Map

Current Stream Stage (feet) Map


Maps contain these information groups - Type, View, Basemap, and Overlay

  • Type – Select the sensor type, including rain acculumation, rainfall increment and interval, reservoir elevation, stage for stream levels, etc.
  • Views – Select the rain and stream data group:
    • Automated Local Evaluation in Real-Time (ALERT): 25 real-time rain gauge and 22 stream gauge sites operated and maintained by San Luis Obispo County monitoring technicians
    • Hydrometeorological Automated Data System (HADS): 11 rain gauge sites maintained by the National Weather Service [note: maps show the USGS sites in this view]
    • United States Geological Survey (USGS): 12 stream gauge sites maintained by the United States Geological Survey
    • Volunteer Rain Gauges: sites reported yearly (not real-time) by various volunteer public and private sites throughout the County
  • Basemap – Select the background map: Topographic, Standard, Satellite, USGS, and USGS Hydrography
  • Overlays – Select an overlay of various National Weather Service (NWS) weather radar maps


  • Rain Accumulation: The amount of rainfall measured to date over the current water year; measured in inches
  • Rain Increment: The amount of rainfall measured over a specific time period; measured in inches
  • Stage: The level of water surface of a river or stream above an established datum at a given location; measured in feet
  • Water Year: San Luis Obispo County's time period from July 1 to June 30
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