Adult Mental Health Outpatient Treatment
Adult Outpatient Mental Health Treatment services are provided to help determine your mental health treatment needs and meet your treatment goals.
Please contact our access line at 1 (800) 838-1381 for information or to schedule an appointment. All services are available in Spanish.
Services include:
- Screening, Assessment and Treatment Recommendations
- Treatment Planning
- Individual and Group Psychotherapy
- Medication Services
- Psychiatry
- Case Management
- Rehabilitation Services
- Residential Options as they are available
Other programs include:
- Adult Full Service Partnerships
- Older Adult Full Service Partnerships
- Assisted Outpatient Treatment Full Service Partnership
- Homeless Outreach Full Service Partnership
- San Luis Obispo Health Integration Project (SLO-HIP)
- Veteran's Treatment Services
Who is eligible?
This service is available for Medi-Cal insured individuals and individuals without medical insurance.
Is there a charge for this service?
The Central Access line is free of charge. Ongoing services are free for most SLO Medi-Cal (CenCal) beneficiaries. We help SLO residents who do not have Medi-Cal find resources and may provide some services on a sliding scale basis.
When and where is this service offered?
This service is available throughout the year during regular business hours except during scheduled holidays.
Location, directions and hours of operation
Click on location name to show hours of operation, directions and phone information
Monday - Friday 8-5
1666 Ramona Ave
Grover Beach, CA 93433
Tel: (805) 473-7060
Monday - Friday 8-5
5575 Hospital Drive
Atascadero, CA 93422
Adult Line: (805) 461-6060
Youth Line: (805) 461-6113
Monday - Friday 8-5
805 4th Street
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Tel: (805) 226-3200
Monday - Friday 8-5
2178 Johnson Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Tel: (805) 781-4700
There are several different kinds of Medi-Cal:
- "Full Scope" is the most common type and pays for services in full.
- "Share of Cost" Medi-Cal has a set monthly amount that you must pay before Medi-Cal covers your care.
- "Restricted" Medi-Cal pays for some services but not others. Common restrictions include Pregnancy and Emergency coverage.
The best way to know which type you have is to contact your eligibility worker at Department of Social Services or visit the Department of Social Service's Medi-Cal page.
We will work with you to set up a sliding scale payment plan if you do not have Full Scope Medi-Cal. See Client Cost Explanation and Agreement or Explicación de Costo y Acuerdo for more detail.