Los Osos Groundwater Basin Plumbing Retrofit-to-Build Program (Title 19)

What is the process?

Determine amount of water savings needed

Find qualifying plumbing fixtures to retrofit

Qualifying old and new replacement fixtures include toilets, showerheads, and clothes washers that meet the flow rate requirements specified in the verification form. New fixtures must result in water savings. Effective March 10th, 2014, toilet and showerhead retrofit credits can no longer come from the Prohibition Zone.  Water savings will be calculated as average gallons saved per day based on the existing and retrofitted fixtures. See the form on file with the department for the water savings calculation methodology.

Document retrofits and complete the Title 19 Form

Fill out the Title 19 Retrofit-to-Build application with information about each retrofitted fixture and property. Take photos of each old and newly installed fixture and save the receipt(s) for the new fixtures.

Submit Title 19 verification form, photos, and receipts

Email the Title 19 verification form, photos of each old and newly installed fixture, and receipt(s) for the new fixtures to [email protected]. Following submittal, the Department of Planning & Building will review the information and, if approved, provide a Title 19 Water Conservation Certificate.

Who is eligible?

The Title 19 Retrofit-to-Build certificate is required before a new construction permit can be issued for a new structure that will use water from the Los Osos Groundwater Basin. Click here to view an interactive map of the basin boundary.

When and where is this service offered?

This service is available throughout the year during regular business hours except during scheduled holidays.