Zone 3 - Lopez Water Project


Meeting Calendar - View Agendas and Minutes


Cloud Seeding Program for Lopez Lake Information

The County of San Luis Obispo Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District) recently initiated Year 2, of a potential 3-year program of the Winter Cloud Seeding Program for Lopez Lake (project). The project objective is to increase precipitation in the Lopez Lake watershed during winter precipitation events. The seeding program will use a combination of ground-seeding sites and aircraft.

Lopez Dam Safety Information

Haga clic aquí para obtener Información de Seguridad de la Presa Lopez en Español

The Lopez Dam Flooding and Evacuation Brochure provides a simplified map showing areas that would be flooded in the unlikely event of a dam failure and provides tips on how to prepare yourself and family for an emergency.

The Department of Safety of Dams inspects Lopez Dam and the Terminal Reservoir Dam annually for any safety issues, if any items are noted on the inspection they are then corrected by the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District who owns and operates the dam. As an example, in 2002 Lopez Dam underwent a seismic retrofit project to meet current seismic standards.

The Oroville Dam spillway disaster in northern California that began in February of 2017 called attention to the need for all dams to have updated inundation maps and emergency action plans, not just for dam failures but spillway failures as well.  The State Legislature passed SB92 that went into effect on July 1, 2017 and added new sections to the Water Code requiring owners of all state jurisdictional dams, except low hazard dams, to prepare inundation maps.

The below documents are the results of the updated inundation studies and corresponding detailed mapping for both the Lopez Dam and Terminal Reservoir Dam.

Lopez Dam Failure Inundation Mapping and Study

Lopez Terminal Reservoir Dam Failure Inundation Mapping and Study

For questions or comments regarding Zone 3 please contact Public Works via email or call 781-5252 and ask for the Utilities Division Zone 3 coordinator.

Lopez Water Project Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)

Reservoir Water Data


The Zone 3 Advisory Committee is comprised of one representative from each water contractor, one representative from agriculture, and one member at large appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Please see the bylaws for other details of member qualifications and member terms.




Zone 3 Secretary

David Spiegel


Arroyo Grande 

Aileen Loe

Kate Secrest

Grover Beach

Jules Tuggle

Robert Robert

Pismo Beach

Marcia Guthrie

Stacy Inman

Oceano CSD

Shirley D. Gibson

Allene Villa

CSA 12

Brad Hagemann

John King

Agriculture Member

Brian Talley

Vard Ikeda

At Large Member

Ron Reilly

Matthew Scrudato

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