Whistleblower Hotline

Who is eligible?

This service is available to anyone wishing to report financial fraud, waste, or abuse related to County operations. 

Depending on the nature of the report issue, other reporting avenues may be more appropriate.

  • The Hotline is not intended for reports related to personnel issues.  Current employees should first consider reporting the issue through their department’s chain of command.  If reporting through the chain of command is not feasible then employees may also report personnel issues to the Human Resources Department.  All reports submitted to the Human Resources Department will be treated with confidentiality to the greatest possible extent.  Additionally, employees are protected from retaliation for filing a complaint.  Human Resources can be reached at (805) 781-5959
  • Suspected code enforcement violations should be submitted directly to Code Enforcement.
  • To submit a report related to noncompliance with the County Cannabis Ordinance please submit a cannabis complaint form.
  • Reports related to the operations of cities should be reported directly to the appropriate city.

When and where is this service offered?

There are three ways to use the Whistleblower Hotline:

  • ​Call toll-free, (855) 326-9623, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to speak to a third-party representative.
  • Submit an electronic report at Whistleblower Web Report Line.
  • Use a camera to scan the QR code