National Consumer Protection Week is March 6 – March 12
Author: District Attorney
Date: 3/10/2022 3:29 PM
District Attorney Dan Dow encourages consumers to be vigilant and report suspected consumer fraud amid steep housing and consumer price increases.
March 6 – March 12, 2022, marks National Consumer Protection Week. District Attorney Dan Dow today highlighted ongoing efforts to protect San Luis Obispo County consumers and urged them to report misconduct or violations of state consumer protection laws to the District Attorney’s Office through their website’s Consumer Protection Complaint Form.
“Many in San Luis Obispo County are struggling to make ends meet with the drastically rising prices in housing, at the grocery store, and now at the gas pump,” said District Attorney Dan Dow. “Unfortunately, a bad actor can hide among our overall stellar business community and seek to take advantage of the public. Our team is ready to protect San Luis Obispo County consumers and hold those bad actors accountable.”
If you have been victim of price scanning errors while shopping, have been unlawfully treated by a landlord, or have information on other consumer law violations, please submit a complaint to the District Attorney’s Office.
Complaints submitted by the public play a critical role in the District Attorney’s consumer protection efforts by providing the office with important information about potential misconduct to help determine whether to investigate a company or individual.
Given the steep increase in housing and consumer price costs within San Luis Obispo County, enforcement priorities include housing, truthful advertisement, and price scanning errors within retail stores.
For more consumer protection information, you can visit the Federal Trade Commission website at consumer.ftc.gov.
Click here to submit a Consumer Protection Complaint Form in English or Spanish.