Psychiatric Health Facility (PHF) Visitors Policy

Family members and friends are welcome to visit Psychiatric Health Facility (PHF) patients. However, since your loved one’s health care is our primary concern, visiting hours may be limited by staff when necessary. Below are some tips for visiting our facility.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to protect not only the safety of the visitors but also protect the safety and security of the workplace, including maintaining confidentiality and safety standards.


  • Patients who are voluntarily or involuntarily admitted to the PHF for psychiatric evaluation or treatment shall have the right to see visitors daily. This right may be denied only under certain conditions.
  • Visitation of patients will occur during regularly scheduled visiting hours (daily) from:
  • 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM*
    • *Exceptions must be made in advance with the Charge Nurse/Shift Lead and approval by the Staff Psychiatrist.
  • For safety reasons, all visitors must be 18 years of age or older and will be subject to security screening. 
  • If a visitor arrives at the front door of the PHF whom the patient has not consented to see, the patient will be consulted.  If the patient does not want to see the visitor, the visitor will be informed that there is no information on a patient by that name. However, if the patient just refuses to see the visitor but allows the visitor to know that he/she is at the PHF, the visitor will be so informed.
  • Prior patients to the PHF shall not be allowed to visit on the unit for a period of 30 calendar days after discharge if the staff psychiatrist determines that it would not be therapeutic for current PHF patient(s).
  • Any visits are subject to restrictions as to frequency and duration per the staff psychiatrist’s discretion, to ensure that visits are therapeutically beneficial to the patients.
  • All visitors are required to check in with the shift lead or designee, sign in and inform the staff of any items that they have brought in for the patient. All items brought in for the patient will be inventoried and inappropriate items as determined by PHF staff will be returned to the visitor(s) at the end of the visit.
  • No outside food or drinks permitted.
  • Visitors are not allowed to bring in contraband. Visitors will be asked to leave all personal belongings in their car except their car keys, which will be kept in designated visitor lockers until the visitor(s) leaves.
  • Visitors may be asked to leave the PHF if they are disruptive such as displaying violent/disruptive behavior or overt sexual activity. In the event that the visitors become uncooperative with staff request, police may be called for assistance.
  • Visitor bringing items for the patient, which may include, but not limited to money up to $50.00, or any other items shall be approved by the PHF supervisor in consultation with Administration. 
  • Visitors shall visit in common areas only and not in the patients’ bedrooms.
  • Patients are permitted to receive two (2) visitors at any given time to prevent overcrowding and overstimulation of the patients.

The Psychiatric Health Facility Program Supervisor can be reached at (805) 781-4752
The Patients’ Rights Advocate can be reached at (805) 781-4738