MWELO Irrigated Landscaping > 2,500 sqft

What is the process?

Submit Sections A-F Prior to Permit Issuance

Sections A through F of Performance Package must be submitted prior to permit issuance:

  1. Landscape Application

  2. Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet

  3. Soil Management Report

  4. Landscape Design Plan

  5. Irrigation Design Plan

  6. Grading Design Plan (if applicable)

Submit Sections G-K Prior to Final Building Inspection

Sections G through K of the Performance Package must be submitted prior to final building inspection:

  1. Certificate of Completion

  2. Certificate of Installation

  3. Irrigation Scheduling

  4. Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Schedule

  5. Landscape Irrigation Audit, Irrigation Survey, and Irrigation Water Use Analysis

Who is eligible?

This service is for projects with an aggregate landscape area of greater than 2,500 square feet.

When and where is this service offered?

This service is available throughout the year during regular business hours except during scheduled holidays.