New Construction
All new urban and rural development within the Nipomo Mesa Water Conservaton Area (NMWCA) or the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin (PRGWB) is required to offset new water use at a minimum 1:1 ratio through the purchase of water offset credits prior to construction permit issuance. These water offset fees go towards community rebate programs such as Cash for Grass. New structures may include but are not limited to single family dwellings, mobile homes, secondary units, guest houses, commercial buildings, and pools. Offsets are not required for additions, replacement dwellings, and expansions of existing structures.
If the property contains a domestic well, a water meter must be installed and a well meter inspection must be conducted. Property owners are required to keep records of monthly water usage, to be viewed by County staff only if the property is subject to a code enforcement case.
For more information on policies and fees related to new construction within the NMWCA or the PRGWB, please choose one of the following:
PRGWB Groundwater Sustainability Plan
At this time, the Paso Robles Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan exempts residential water use of up to 2 acre-feet per year (2 AFY) per property from management actions such as pumping fees and pumping reductions.
Click here to view the full Paso Robles Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan.
Click here to join the mailing list to receive updates about the Paso Robles Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan.
Who is eligible?
The water offset requirements for new construction apply to applicants for new construction permits for new structures located in the NMWCA or PBGWB, not including replacement structures.
Is there a charge for this service?
Paso Robles Groundwater Basin (PRGWB)
- Single Family Dwelling - $3,942
- Secondary/Farm Support Quarters - $1,971
- Guest House - $657
Nipomo Mesa Water Conservation Area (NMWCA)
- Single Family Dwelling - $3,290
- Secondary/Farm Support Quarters - $1,645
- Guest House - $552.72
When and where is this service offered?
This service is available throughout the year during regular business hours except during scheduled holidays.