P66 Final EIR Sections
- _1Cover FEIR.pdf
- _2Intro Page FEIR.pdf
- _3TOC.pdf
- _Executive Summary FEIR.pdf
- 1.0 Introduction FEIR.pdf
- 2.0 Project Description FEIR.pdf
- 3.0 Cumulative Study Area FEIR.pdf
- 4.0 Environmental Impacts Analysis FEIR.pdf
- 4.1 Aesthetics FEIR.pdf
- 4.2 Agricultural Resources FEIR.pdf
- 4.3 Air Quality FEIR.pdf
- 4.4 Biological Resources FEIR.pdf
- 4.5 Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources FEIR.pdf
- 4.6 Energy FEIR.pdf
- 4.7 Geology and Soils FEIR.pdf
- 4.8 Greenhouse Gas Emissions FEIR.pdf
- 4.9 Hazards and Hazardous Materials FEIR.pdf
- 4.10 Hydrology and Water Quality FEIR.pdf
- 4.11 Land Use and Planning FEIR.pdf
- 4.12 Noise FEIR.pdf
- 4.13 Public Services, Utilities and Service Systems FEIR.pdf
- 4.14 Recreation and Coastal Access FEIR.pdf
- 4.15 Transportation FEIR.pdf
- 4.16 Wildfire FEIR.pdf
- 4.17 Issue Areas That Have No Impact FEIR.pdf
- 4.18 Other Considerations FEIR.pdf
- 5.0 Alternatives FEIR.pdf
- 6.0 Other Required CEQA Sections FEIR.pdf
- 7.0 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FEIR.pdf
- 8.0 List of Preparers and Contacts FEIR.pdf
- 9.0 DEIR Comments and Responses.pdf