Flood Resources

San Luis Obispo Creek is a wild, uncontrolled waterway prone to flooding in certain areas. Residents and business owners should be prepared for these events. The resources listed below are a starting place for flood readiness along SLO Creek.

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County and City Flood Preparedness ResourcesLinks

Hazard Maps

The PrepareSLO page has an interactive hazard lookup tool you can use to see risks at specific locations. Check it out, and get prepared!                                         

MyHazards Tool

Reverse 911

Consider signing up for Reverse 911. The County of San Luis Obispo Sheriff's office utitlizes this service to get emergency messages - such as evacuation notices - to residents. If you're in a hazard area, this is a great way to be connected in emergency situations.

Reverse 911

More Tips @ PrepareSLO.org and the City of SLO!

Check out PrepareSLO.org for all sorts of readiness tips for winter storms. Winter storms cause flooding, mudslides and other issues, such as power outages. Take small steps to prepare, survive, and be safe before, during, and after the storm. 

PrepareSLO.org - Storm and Flood Hazard Planning 

City of SLO - Flood Preparation Guide 

Road Safety-Closure MapsLinks

Get up-to-date information on road hazards and closures during weather events. Check out Quickmap for State highway closures and the County for local roadway closures.        

State Highway Closures

Local Roadway Closures

Stay Alert, Stay InformedLinks

Charge all essential electronics so that you can receive emergency alerts. You should also pre-charge power banks for your devices.

Sign up for weather alerts on your phone's weather app. Stay tuned to local TV or radio stations to keep up to date on the situation and for changing conditions.

National Weather Service Alerts for SLO County
Creek Care Guidance WebpageLinks

Live near a waterway? Whether your creek flows continuously year-round or just during storm events, it is important to understand its natural ecology and protect it. Through proper creek care, landowners can maintain and improve property values, prevent erosion problems, reduce flooding, protect water quality, and enhance fish and wildlife populations.

Creek Care Guidance
Sand BagsLinks

Sandbags are an amazing tool for protecting property- when used correctly! Here are tips for getting the maximum benefit out of sandbags: 

  1. Fill bags only 2/3 full. They need to be flexible when filled!
  2. Securely close or tie off the open end of the bag.
  3. Stack bags in an overlapping shingle pattern, you shouldn't see any gaps!

Sand Bag Information:

Rainfall, Reervoir, and Stream DataLinks

Did you know that the SLO County Flood Control and Water Conservation District maintains over 50 live rain, stream and reservoir gauges? For example, if Lopez Lake is full, you can see how much water is flowing out the spillway. View past and live data from across the County at our website!

Live Water and Weather Data
Avoid Standing/Playing in Flood WatersLinks

Floodwaters and runoff often contains chemicals and pathogens that can make you sick. Avoid playing in or recreating near floodwaters! 

Health and Safety Recommendations Related to Flood Water