Point-in-Time Count Committee
The Point-in-Time Count Committee is responsible for coordinating a successful PIT Count, including identifying key encampment locations, providing valuable feedback for incentives and best practices, feedback regarding marketing opportunities and other publicity documents, and assisting in recruiting volunteers for the day of the PIT Count.
Who should be involved in the PIT Count Committee?
In order for a Point-in-Time Count to be a comprehensive and accurate representation of homelessness in San Luis Obispo, we need stakeholders from every sector to take part in the planning process.
- Homeless service providers
- Community service providers (i.e., food/clothing banks, soup kitchens, day shelters or drop-in centers, community centers, community action agencies, detox programs, 211 operators, mental health providers, mainstream social service agencies
- Homeless coalitions and advocacy groups
- Currently unhoused and formerly homeless individuals
- Outreach teams
- Local government partners
- Faith-based community partners
- Health service providers
- Law enforcement
- Philanthropic foundations
- McKinney-Vento school liaisons
- Local colleges or universities
- Public housing agencies
- Public Libraries
- Local businesses and chambers of commerce
- Community volunteer and civic groups
- Federal Partners (HUD, VA, Dept. of Education, HHS, etc.)