Veterans Treatment Court (VTC)
The County of San Luis Obispo Veterans Treatment Court is a treatment program for veterans suffering from mental health such as PTSD, depression, anxiety etc., Traumatic Brain Injury, and Military Sexual Trauma.
What is the process?
Plea Your Case
With direction from your attorney, plea your case.
Transfer Case
After you plea, have your attorney request to have your case transferred to Veterans Treatment Court.
Who is eligible?
Each veteran is accepted on a case-by-case basis.
If you want to know if you are eligible for Veterans Treatment Court:
- With direction from your attorney, plea your case.
- After the plea, have your attorney request to have the case transferred to Veterans Treatment Court.
When and where is this service offered?
Upon being accepted into Veterans Treatment Court, more information will follow.
Key Components of Veterans Treatment Court
1. Integrates Veterans Administration services and organizations, alcohol and drug treatment, mental health treatment, and medical services with the justice system case processing.
2. Uses a non-adversarial approach. Prosecution and defense promote public safety while meeting participant’s due process.
3. Eligible participants are identified early and promptly placed.
4. Provides access to a continuum of alcohol and drug and mental health services. Different levels meet a wide variant of issues which include PTSD, TBI, DV, homelessness, and mentors.
5. Abstinence is monitored by alcohol and drug testing that is court ordered, frequent, random, and observed. The test results are used to determine client progress.
6. Coordinated strategy governs responses to participant compliance. This is done by “staffing the clients” and developing clear and understood incentives and sanctions in response to client behaviors.
7. Ongoing judicial interaction with each Veteran is essential which can integrate the chain of command structure.
8. Monitoring and evaluation measures the achievement of program goals and gage effectiveness. Have evaluation studies done with the program.
9. Continuing interdisciplinary education which promotes effective court planning, implementation, and operations.
10. Forging partnerships among the Veterans Administration, public agencies, and community based organizations. This will generate local support and enhances court effectiveness. Develop an oversight committee.