Los Osos Community Plan Update

Project Contacts

Comments and questions regarding the community plan update may be submitted via email to Claire Momberger or mailed to the following address:

Department of Planning & Building
ATTN: Los Osos Community Plan Update/Claire Momberger
976 Osos Street, Room 300
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408

Project Updates

Resource Summary Report (RSR) to Update Water Supply Analysis for District 2

The 2016-2018 Resource Summary Report (RSR) was approved by the Board of Supervisors on December 15, 2020.

Growth Management Ordinance (GMO) Amendments to Adopt a Growth Rate for Los Osos

The Board of Supervisors tentatively adopted amendments to the GMO.  These amendments adopt a 0% growth rate for the community of Los Osos until the Phase 1 Basin Plan programs are implemented. 

A flowchart showing how the growth policies and Community Plan policies would interact to restrict new development and an advisory memo regarding water use for ADUs and affordable housing were prepared for Planning Commission.

Residential Vacation Rentals Ordinance -- Public Hearing Draft

The full Public Hearing Draft of the Residential Vacation Rentals Ordinance for Los Osos is now available for public review. 

The Los Osos Community Advisory Council (LOCAC) has proposed their own Vacation Rental Guidelines for review as well: Los Osos Community Advisory Council's Vacation Rental Guidelines.


Construction of the Los Osos Wastewater Project is complete. Before vacant parcels within the prohibition zone can hook up to the wastewater project, the County needs to update the Estero Area Plan for the Urban Area of Los Osos (the ‘Los Osos Community Plan’) to incorporate the following: population growth supported by the sustainable capacity of the groundwater basin, and integrate a Habitat Conservation Plan for long-term preservation of environmentally sensitive habitat areas throughout the community.

The original Estero Area Plan was certified by the Coastal Commission in 1988, and an update to the Plan began in 1996. The Estero Area Plan encompasses Los Osos, Cayucos, and the rural area (of Estero) entirely within the Coastal Zone. On November 2, 2004, the Board of Supervisors approved the Estero Area Plan update for submittal to the California Coastal Commission. The update and associated amendments were submitted to the Coastal Commission at the end of December 2004 as part of Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 2-04.

Due to the outstanding issues in Los Osos, specifically lack of an approved communitywide Habitat Conservation Plan for Los Osos to deal with widespread environmentally sensitive habitat, a projected build-out in line with groundwater supply, and at that time (mid 2000’s), uncertainty about a community-wide sewer system, the Los Osos portion of the Estero Area Plan update was removed in 2006. The Estero Area Plan was later certified by the Coastal Commission in 2009 with updates to the parts dealing with Cayucos and the rural areas, but without any updates for the Los Osos urban area. Those updates are once again underway as part of the Los Osos Community Plan.

Community Plan Update Progress (UPDATED: February 25, 2021)
Step Status
General Plan Authorization ​COMPLETE
Administrative Draft ​COMPLETE
Draft Community Plan Released to Public ​COMPLETE
Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report ​COMPLETE
Community Workshop ​COMPLETE
Environmental Scoping Meeting ​COMPLETE
Draft Environmental Impact Report RELEASED SEPT 12th 2019
Public Hearing Draft COMPLETE
Planning Commission Hearings COMPLETE
Board of Supervisors Hearings COMPLETE
Coastal Commission Review and Approval SUBMITTED TO THE COASTAL COMMISSION