List of County Fees

Charging fees is a fair way to provide certain services, because only those who use the service pay for it. For example, if someone adopts an animal, there is an adoption fee to cover the costs of animal services related to that adoption (in other words, the general taxpayer isn't covering the full cost). The same goes for construction permits, renting County facilities, and enjoying some recreational activities such as golf or camping. 

Two Schedules for Fees

Every year, the County publishes two fee schedules, which each list fees charged for certain County services. Combined, both lists make up all County fees. See the related forms and documents below for both lists. 

County departments are asked to conduct a thorough annual analysis and justification for the fees they charge and to update their fee schedules. This involves reviewing any changes to their own cost of providing services. They then work with the Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector Public Administrator’s (Auditor’s) Office and the Administrative Office to determine that all laws, policies, and cost assumptions are correctly applied. 

The Board of Supervisors only reviews proposed fee changes each year. However, every five years, the Board reviews of all County fees, whether or not there is a proposal to change them. The last five-year review of fees occurred on November 25, 2014 for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 fee cycle.


Library Fees
Probation Fees
Parks & Recreation - Community Parks Fees
Golf Fees
Clerk Recorder Fees