Stepping Up Initiative

The Stepping Up Initiative is a national effort to reduce the number of people with mental illnesses in jails.

The Problem

The number of people with mental illness in U.S. jails has reached crisis levels. In counties across the nation, jails now have more people with mental illnesses than in their psychiatric hospitals. Learn more.

The Plan

On November 3, 2020, the County Board of Supervisors publicly committed to a three-year Stepping Up Strategic Plan aimed at reducing the prevalence of mental illness in the local jail. Review the Stepping Up Strategic Plan.

The Team

The Stepping Up Strategic Plan was developed by a committee of officials from the County Health Agency, Sheriff-Coroner Office, Superior Court, District Attorney’s Office, Information Technology Department, Probation Department, Public Defender’s Office, and County Administrative Office. Meet the team.


Six Questions County Leaders Need to Ask

Question 1: Is your leadership committed?  ✔️
Question 2: Do you have timely screening and assessment?  ✔️
Question 3: Do you have baseline data?  ✔️
Question 4: Have you conducted a comprehensive process analysis and service inventory?  ✔️
Question 5: Have you prioritized policy, practice, and funding?  ✔️
Question 6: Do you track progress?  ✔️ 

Project Contacts

Larissa Heeren
Stepping Up Program Manager
County Administrative Office
[email protected]