Community Based Organization and Preventative Health Grants

The County awards grant funding to local programs that support and complement, but do not duplicate, the efforts of the County’s health and human services departments. The applicants must promote the optimal health, stability, independence and well-being of county residents. Both public and private nonprofit organizations may apply, but programs and projects must be carried out in San Luis Obispo County. Nonprofits that promote the personal health, stability, independence and well-being of people in San Luis Obispo County can apply for substantial public grant funding once a year. 

Only non-profit organizations with recognized tax exempt status that promote the personal health, stability, independence and well-being of people in San Luis Obispo County can submit a grant application.

Questions regarding these grants should be directed to the County Administrative Office at (805) 781-5011.


What is the process?

Step 1: Request for Application

The County will release a Request for Application (RFA). 

Step 2: Apply for Grant Funding

Once the RFA is published by the County, organizations or individuals must apply for grant funding by the deadline in order to be considered. Incomplete or late applications and/or electronic submittals will not be accepted. 

Step 3: Review Period

A Grant Review Committee will evaluate the applications and make recommendations to the County Administrative Office. Grant applications will be reviewed by the SLO Health Counts Steering Committee, which is made up of nonprofits, government agencies, and other leaders in SLO County. This committee will make recommendations to the County Administrative Officer and the Board of Supervisors for grants awarded each year. 

Step 4: Recommendations to Board of Supervisors

The Administrative Office will review the committee's recommended grant recipients and make final recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.

Step 5: Approval, Grants Awarded

Grants will be approved by the Board of Supervisors, as timely as possible, at an available Board meeting as part of the consent agenda.


Important Information and Documents