District 2 Supervisor Recount and Estimated Cost
Author: Elaina Cano
Date: 12/17/2022 3:12 PM
Under the supervision of the County Elections Official, Elaina Cano, there will be a manual recount of the ballots cast in the November 8, 2022, General Election for the office of Board of Supervisors, District 2 at the request of Darcia Stebbens on behalf of candidate Bruce Jones.
The recount process will be conducted publicly in the San Luis Obispo County Government Center,1055 Monterey Street, San Luis Obispo beginning on Monday, December 19, 2022, at 10:00am and conclude at 4:30pm. Every day thereafter, the recount process will begin at 9:00am and conclude at 4:15pm, Monday thru Friday, until completed or terminated.
The process of manually recounting a contest has many required steps, beginning with the separation and sorting of ballots for the precincts that contain the contest. Once the ballots are separated, the special recount board(s) will begin with manually tallying the votes in the precinct order specified by the requester.
In addition, the opportunity to inspect or examine relevant material will be provided to the requester, their representative, the candidates and the candidates representatives during the recount process consistent with guidelines established by the elections official.
The requestor will be responsible for all costs related to collecting and providing relevant materials for examination, as well as preparing and conducting the manual recount.
Ms. Stebbens must -- before the recount is commenced and at the beginning of each day following -- deposit with my office a sum I will determine to cover the costs of the recount for that day. She must pay the advance deposit using cash, cashier’s check or money order. If the advance deposit is not paid each day prior to the commencement of the recount, I will terminate the recount.
The advance deposit that will be needed prior to the commencement of the recount scheduled for Monday, December 19, 2022, at 10:00am, is $16,995. This cost includes the recount preparation and the 1 st day of conducting the recount process.
The daily costs may fluctuate and vary based on the number of special recount boards assigned for the day, supplies, copies, materials, security, etc.
The total estimated cost for the complete manual recount is $80,262.
Should there be any questions, please contact Elaina Cano, County Clerk-Recorder at [email protected].
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