Drug & Alcohol Services Residential Programs

Who is eligible?

Anyone that has been diagnosed with a substance use disorder and has the proper assessed level of care can use this service.

Is there a charge for this service?

Each independently operated Sober Living Environment is contracted with County of San Luis Obispo for a specific rate ranging from $35/day to $55/day. There may be funding available through specific grant sources as well as self-pay. Clients may reside in different areas of the County, from Oceano to Paso Robles.

When and where is this service offered?

This service is available throughout the year during regular business hours except during scheduled holidays.


Residential treatment is a specialized form of inpatient care. It typically includes 24-hour supervision and monitoring within a non-hospital setting, often aimed at providing an intensive therapeutic environment for clients with mental health and/or substance use issues.
Yes. Sober Living Environments (SLE) are a housing alternative for individuals who are recovering from alcohol and or drug addiction.
Sober Living Environments are a place to stay where individuals have a safe and supportive community to live free from alcohol or other drugs.Sobering Living Environments are usually utilized after an individual has been in Residential Trement program, and serve as a bridge between Residential Treatment and Independent Sober Living.

Individuals are assessed at a level of care which indicates that for optimum chance of success they need a structured living environment that promotes recovery. They might have also demonstrated that they are homeless or cannot live a sober and healthy life where they are currently residing.

Attend any of our Drug and Alcohol Services clinics walk-in sessions to be assessed or ask for an assessment while in custody at County Jail. If diagnosed with a substance use disorder you will have the opportunity to work with a Case Manager to assist you with placement in a Residential Treatment or Sober Living Environment.

All referrals for the Residential Treatment facilities have to be referred through San Luis Obispo County Behavioral Health Department. Sober Living Environments can be accessed by the general public and fee agreements will be handled by the individual and the Sober Living Environment, if you are not in treatment.