Disaster Healthcare Coalition


To help our county prepare, respond and recover quickly from emergencies, the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program (PHEP) invites healthcare entities to join. Follow the steps below to join:
1) Review the SLO-DHCC Governance Structure to learn about the roles of SLO-DHCC partner members .
2) Complete and submit Attachments C & D of the SLO-DHCC Governance Structure to support timely resource and information sharing among healthcare entities in emergencies. Send to Denise Yi: [email protected].
3) Attend SLO-DHCC meetings to collaborate with other healthcare partners. Meetings are currently virtual due to COVID-19
4) Enroll in the California Health Alert Network (see CAHAN Enrollment Eform) to receive public health alerts and messages.


  • Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP): This sub committee is designed to provide a platform for hospitals and EMS providers  to network, share best practices and exchange information on planning and preparedness efforts in the county while fulfilling grant requirements.
  • Health Care Partners Work Group (HCPWG): This work group is designed to provide a platform for healthcare partners new to emergency planning to network, share best practices and exchange information on planning and preparedness efforts in the county.


  • Statewide Medical and Health Exercise (SWMHE): The Statewide Medical and Health Exercise takes place on the 3rd Thursday in November every year. Due to the COVID-19 Emergency Response, the SWMHE was canceled during 2020 and 2021.This exercise is designed to test participating agencies’ ability to respond to an emergency.
  • Medical Response & Surge Exercise (MRSE): The purpose of the MRSE is to provide HCCs and their members with an opportunity to test their surge response and preparedness capabilities. The scenario used in the MRSE is defined by the HCC, but all exercises will test an HCC and its members’ capacity to accommodate a surge of patients equal to at least 20% of its staffed-bed capacity. The MRSE aims to assist HCCs:
    • Validate all applicable response plans and identify gaps which remain unaddressed.
    • Prepare to respond to a large-scale surge of inpatients.
    • Improve member capacity to assess the availability of and secure access to key resources such as staffed beds, personnel, supplies and equipment, and patient transport during a large-scale community incident.
    • Strengthen information, situational awareness, and coordination during a large-scale community incident
  • For detailed information, please refer to the Healthcare Coalition Exercises webpage.



For more information on partnering with Public Health Emergency Preparedness, please contact:
[email protected]



To help our county prepare, respond and recover quickly from emergencies, the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program (PHEP) invites healthcare entities to join. Follow the steps below to join:
1) Review the SLO-DHCC Governance Structure to learn about the roles of SLO-DHCC partner members .
2) Complete and submit Attachments C & D of the SLO-DHCC Governance Structure to support timely resource and information sharing among healthcare entities in emergencies.
3) Attend SLO-DHCC meetings to collaborate with other healthcare partners. Meetings are currently virtual due to COVID-19.

  • Contact:
    • County of San Luis Obispo
    • Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program
    • Denise Yi (805)788-2067
    • [email protected]

By joining the Disaster Healthcare Coalition (and appropriate sub-committees), your healthcare providers can connect to resources and collaborate with other agencies to share information and build partnerships. 

More information can be found on our website at CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule.

Meetings are held the first Thursday of the month quarterly, starting in JanuaryView the current schedule here.

The current Hazard Vulnerabilities Assessment document can be found on our website.

During an emergency (internal to your facility or external like an earthquake, flood or fire) you must notify the county of San Luis Obispo's Medical Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC) program by submitting a Medical and Health Situation Report (SITREP). The State of California Department of Public Health has published the EOM Situation Reporting Tool that will step you through creating the SITREP.

If you are a first responder or healthcare entity representative, review the MHOAC SOP for instructions on completing and submitting a resource request.


Healthcare Coalition Exercises
Medical Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC)
Other Disaster Healthcare Coalition Resources
CMS Rule
California Health Alert Network (CAHAN)
DHCC-Governance-Structure 2024