
Informational Documents

Foot Print, Gross Structural Area, and Deck Square Footage Maximums Based on Property Location and Property Size

Cambria Building Size Calculator

Cambria Residential Building Size Supplement

North Coast Area Community Plan

North Coast Area Community Plan for land use permit information and design standards in the urban area of Cambria.

Vacant Parcels in the Urban Area of Cambria

The Cambria Community Service District (CCSD) and the County both maintain waitlists for vacant parcels.  The CCSD waitlist will be served before the County waitlist.  For example, #1 on the County Single Family Residential Waitlist is #659 considering the CCSD Single Family Residential Waitlist includes 658 positions.  

County Single Family Residential Waitlist

County Multi Family Residential Waitlist

For a copy of the CCSD waitlists and the latest news on the water waitlist please visit the Cambria Community Service District (CCSD) website.


Cambria Planning Documents