This glossary is provided to give general definitions for some of the terms commonly used in the planning process. Additional terms are defined in the county's general plan, Area Plans, Land Use Ordinance, Real Property Division Ordinance, Building and Construction Ordinance, and other related documents.
Address and Road Name Ordinance (Title 20) - The county ordinance adopted in order to name roads and assign addresses. This is done in order to improve response time for emergency agencies, to expedite postal and general delivery services, and to enhance the ability to find residences and businesses.
Allocation – (1) An application for one of the county’s dwelling units available for future years under the Growth Management Ordinance in communities where waiting lists exist due to resource constraints, or where vested rights associated with a land division map exist. (2) An application for one of the county’s dwelling units available for the current year under the Growth Management Ordinance. A building permit and an allocation are concurrently applied for.
Appeal Period - A period after the approval or denial of a project, measured from the date of the decision, during which the applicant or other parties may appeal the approval, denial or conditions of approval of a project.
Area Plans - A portion of the Land Use Element of the general plan. The 15 separate Area Plans each contain policies, programs, land use regulations and maps for a specific geographic area of the county. In the Coastal Zone, each area plan contains development standards - called planning area standards - that set special requirements.
Area Plan Standards (Planning Area Standards) - Standards found in Article 9 of the Land Use Ordinance and in each of the Coastal Zone Area Plans of the Coastal Zone Land Use Element that are applied to a parcel in addition to, or in place of, the standards applied by the Land Use Ordinance or Coastal Zone Land Use Ordinance.
Building and Construction Ordinance (Title 19) - The county ordinance adopted to regulate the design and construction of buildings and structures, including standards for site preparation, construction activities, and occupancy classifications consistent with the state laws governing construction.
Framework for Planning (Framework) - A portion of the Land Use Element of the general plan. Framework for Planning sets the guidelines for amendments to the general plan, and establishes the countywide general planning and land use goals. In the Coastal Zone, Coastal Zone Framework for Planning contains Table O, a matrix that specifies the uses allowed in each land use category. It also provides a definition for each type of use.
General Plan - A comprehensive long range plan for the physical development of the county. The general plan consists of maps, diagrams, and goals, objectives, programs and standards. The general plan has multiple elements (some required by state law) and is considered the "constitution for development." All development must be consistent with the county's general plan.
Growth Management Ordinance - The county ordinance adopted to establish an annual rate of growth that is consistent with the availability of resources to support the growth.
Land Use Element (LUE) - A required element of the general plan that designates the general distribution and intensity of uses of land for housing, commercial, industry, open space, education, public facilities, and other categories of public and private uses. Because the LUE is so extensive, it is sometimes mistaken for the entire general plan. In the Coastal Zone, the Land Use Element also acts as the county's Local Coastal Plan.
Land Use Ordinance (LUO and CZLUO - Titles 22 and 23) - The county ordinance adopted to ensure development is consistent with the general plan. In the Inland areas of the County, it is called the Land Use Ordinance (LUO). In the coastal zone, the Land Use Ordinance is called the Coastal Zone Land Use Ordinance (CZLUO). The LUO and CZLUO includes permit requirements, height, setback and coverage restrictions, and parking and landscaping requirements. The LUO and CZLUO also include grading, drainage, tree removal, fire safety utility and access improvement standards, specific operational standards and standards relating to specific uses. In the Inland areas of the county, the LUO contains Table 2-2, a matrix that specifies the uses allowed in each land use category. Article 8 of the LUO provides a definition for each type of use. Article 9 of the LUO contains development standards - called planning area standards - that set special requirements.
Local Coastal Plan (LCP) - The county's regulations that pertain to the portion of the unincorporated area of the county within the coastal zone. The coastal zone, which includes a specific area located along California’s coastline, was created by the California Coastal Act enacted in 1976 by the California Legislature.
Real Property Division Ordinance (Title 21) - The county ordinance adopted to ensure land divisions are consistent with the general plan. Title 21 includes standards and requirements for all land divisions, lot line adjustments, certificates and conditional certificates of compliance, and voluntary mergers. It also includes the provisions for the parkland dedication fee (Quimby fee).
Rules of Procedure to Implement the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 - The county adopted plan that sets forth the San Luis Obispo County Agricultural Preserve Program, as provided by the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 or Williamson Act.