Apply for a Permit in Unincorporated SLO County

Learn About Online Services: PermitSLO

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PermitSLO is the County of San Luis Obispo's online permitting system for a number of permit and plan applications. The County has created this limited online portal with the public in mind, making it available and accessible 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

  1. Create an Account
  2. Apply for a Building Permit
  3. Apply for a Land Use Permit
  4. Upload an Attachment
  5. Look Up Fees/Pay Fees
  6. Check Status of a Permit or Plan (account holder or guest option)
  7. Resubmittal Process
  8. Schedule an Inspection or Re-inspection

​Continue reading below to discover how to use the PermitSLO Portal, or if you have any questions, check the FAQs at the end of this page to help trouble-shoot the most common issues.

Login and Registration Process for PermitSLO

The County is implementing measures to make your PermitSLO account more secure.  It requires a few steps for authentication and we have provided a user guide below. All customers will receive a pop-up message the first time they open PermitSLO.  

Please note: 
This procedure is required for ALL users to log in and access PermitSLO starting in June 2024. 

Building (Construction) Permit Application

Please follow the steps below to submit a building permit or grading permit application electronically.

Express Permits for Small Repairs or Installs

Express Permits are available to be submitted online by a California Licensed Contractor. Express Permits include projects that are normally quicker to repair or install. For example: water heater replacement, air conditioning or heating unit replacement, drain repair, lighting, electrical panel replacement, etc.  

Renewable Energy Permit

A building permit is required for the installation of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems and Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations for all residential and commercial buildings. According to County of San Luis Obispo Building and Construction Ordinance Title 19 (Section 19.09.016), these permits will go through an expedited process.

Solar Photovoltaic System Permit 

Review the Solar Photovoltaic checklist and submittal requirements

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Permit 

Review the Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Permit checklist and submittal requirements

Permit applications that meet checklist requirements will be administratively approved through the Building Division. The EVCS project review is limited to health and safety requirements found under local, state and federal law.  

For expedited plan review and inspection process please verify your project complies with all applicable code provisions with the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Inspection Checklist


Septic Repair Permit

If your septic system needs to be repaired, you will need to submit for a permit to correct the onsite wastewater system.


Address Verification

This service is to verify an existing address within the unincorporated areas of San Luis Obispo County.

Lot Legality (Parcel Legality)

To obtain a permit for building, grading or subdividing real estate in California, a parcel must be legal.  At the time an application for land development approval or certificate of compliance is submitted, the applicant must present proof that the lot was created legally. This page describes the types of documents that satisfy this requirement.

Inland Appeals

Many actions taken by the Department of Planning and Building staff, Building Official may be appealed. Actions by the Planning Department Hearing Officer, Subdivision Review Board, or Planning Commission, to approve or deny a permit application, may be appealed by the applicant or member of the public.

Coastal Appeal

Many actions taken by the Department of Planning and Building staff, Building Official may be appealed. Actions by the Planning Department Hearing Officer, Subdivision Review Board, or Planning Commission, to approve or deny a permit application, may be appealed by the applicant or member of the public. In the Coastal Zone, many actions can also be appealed to the California Coastal Commission.

Negative Declaration Determination

San Luis Obispo County encourages public participation in all phases of the environmental review process. Anyone who has questions about a project or any part of the process is invited to contact the Planning Department to discuss your concerns. If your questions cannot be answered to your satisfaction over the phone, the Environmental Coordinator or a representative will meet with you to address your questions.