
Organization Camping

Organization camping is commercial in nature, i.e. campgrounds hosted by churches, RV parks / mobile home parks. 

Incidental Camping

Incidental camping is smaller in scale and temporary/seasonal in nature, i.e. tent, RV, or van camper camping, and secondary to the primary use of the land.

Unpermitted Camping on Private Properties

A general discussion of the County's enforcement approach when it comes to receiving complaints related to camping activities on private properties.


Believe it or not, this one is one for the harder ones to answer. While the County Land Use Ordinance does not have specific codes that prohibit personal tent camping within an existing residential backyard,  we advise the public to be reasonable and practice safe guidelines. For example, are there responsible adults on site all the time? They should be mindful of neighbors and not create noise nuisance at night or conduct any unsafe fire activities which can become fire/ air quality hazards to the neighbors.

For a parcel with an established residential primary use, the County Land Use Ordinance on Accessory Storage, allows for home owners to park and/or store one RV on their property. This RV storage is considered an accessory storage to the residence.  The onsite RV cannot be lived in or used as an extra sleeping bedroom or guesthouse.  RVs are meant to be used in designated campgrounds i.e. RV parks, or areas authorized with land use permit for RV camping.

For larger parcels zoned Rural Land/ Residential Rural (parcels approx. 10-20 acres), property owners can store up to 10 RV on site, as long as they not visible from public roads. None of these can be lived in.

Short answer is no.  However, you can enjoy using your property during the day, but you will have to clear out by the end of the day.  Generally, on undeveloped parcels, you cannot store or live in RVs or tent camp overnight.

The exception is if your parcel is in Agriculture/Rural Land land use category.  In these land use categories incidental camping is allowed with a permit under two conditions: active agricultural operations must be established and the parcel must meet the minimum size requirements.  

No camping is allowed on parcels in the Residential land use categories.  These are usually smaller lots within established neighborhoods.