Probation Department Agenda / Minutes

CCP Minutes - 03/20/2023

Meeting Date & Time 3/20/2023 4:08 PM
Location SLO County Probation Department 1730 Bishop Street, San Luis Obispo, CA
Description CCP Minutes
Virtual Link


Executive Committee Members 

Chief Probation Officer – Robert B. Reyes

The Presiding Judge of the Superior Court designee – Michael Powell

District Attorney – Not available

Sheriff-Coroner – Not Available

The Public Defender – Steve Rice 

Chief of Police – Not Available

Health Agency Director –Nicholas Drews  



CAPSLO - Lawren Ramos

County Administrative Office – Olena Nagorna

Department of Social Services – Not Available

District Attorney’s Office – Tiffany Johansing

Health Agency Behavioral Health Dept – Teresa Pemberton, 

Health Agency Drug and Alcohol Services – Star Graber 

Health Agency Public Health Dept. – Penny Borenstein

The Head of the County Office of Education – Not Available

Probation Department –Thomas Milder, Wendy Saunders, Jeremiah Malzhan, Maria Woodworth

Sheriff’s Office- Robert Crout

SLO Public Defenders Office- Brian Buckley 

Eckerd Connects SLO – Jennifer Campos

35th State Assembly District Jordan Cunningham’s Representative – Not Available

17th State Senator Assembly District John Laird Representative – Not Available

Anti-Gang Coordinating Commission – Not Available 

Veteran Services – Morgan Boyd

Workforce Development Board –Not Available


  1. Welcome and Introductions: The meeting was called to order at 3:05 pm.
  2. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Michael Powel, to approve the minutes from November 2023.  All favor, motion carried. 
  3.  Public Comment: No public comment.
  4. Program and Grant Updates:
    1. Star Graber – Gave an update on the COSSAP grant proposal.  The County of San Luis Obispo established the Opioid Safety Coalition in 2015.  Currently, Naloxone distribution as the primary community intervention.  However, distribution alone is not an effective solution to opioid and stimulant disorders.  In the COSSAP #1 grant, is focused on the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT).  This provides a hot handoff between hospitals and County Jail with intensive case management.  COSSAP #2 proposal, involves the use of brief treatment interventions (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), conducted in the field paired with 90-day Recovery residence stays.  Two fulltime Behavioral Health Specialist will be added to provide geographic coverage for in-reach case management.  The goal is to reach two hundred individuals within the County Jail to break the cycle of repeated recidivism, offer hope and long-term recovery solutions.
    2. Teresa Pemberton – The JAG program site visit was on 3/16.  Temporary funding has been arranged to maintain the program, as the program is scheduled to end 3/31/2023.   The application for another round of JAG funding has been submitted, if awarded the program will begin June 1, 2023.
    3. The DHS grant is scheduled to end 08/19/2023.  The funding process for DHS grant will be changing from a grant to a contract; details have not been released.
    4. BHTC had an increase in referrals and the numbers reflect that change.  This program serves approximately 12-15 clients based on the acuity of the clients in the program. No other changes expected in this program.  
    5. ATCC is seeing increase in referrals in the last two quarters. The program is now serving 12 clients.
  5. Treasurer’s Report: All agencies are operating within the budgeted levels as of the end of the second quarter. The annual implementation funding in the amount of $150,000 was received on February 16th and deposited into a designated revenue account.  Growth funding in the amount of $1,426,586.00 for FY 21/22 was received in December of 2022, and deposited into a restricted revenue account specific to AB109 growth.   All agencies are operating within budgeted levels; an update will be given after the May revise. 


Meeting adjourned at 3:47 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Maria Woodworth, CCP Secretary