Probation Department Agenda / Minutes

Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council Minutes 03.28.2023

Meeting Date & Time 3/28/2023 3:39 PM
Location SLO County Probation Department, 1730 Bishop Street, San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401
Description JJCC Minutes 03.28.2023
Virtual Link


Chief Probation Officer (Chair) - Robert Reyes

Assistant Chief Probation Officer – Tom Milder

District Attorney’s Office – Steve Von Dohlen

Public Defender - Linda Currey

Board of Supervisors - Olena Nagorna

Social Services - Mark Haas

City Police Department - Jeff Smith

County Office of Education - Katherine Aaron, Karen Donaghe

Behavioral Health- Jill Rietjens

Behavioral Health-DAS- Paula McGrath 

At Large Comm. Rep. (JJC/DPC Chair) - DJ Pittenger

Nonprofit CBO - Jon Nibbio

Probation- Kyle Nancolas, Larissa Heeren


  1.   Welcome and Introductions:The meeting was called to order at 2:34 PM.
  2. Public Comment: No Public Comment
  3. Review and Approve Minutes from August 30th, 2022: A motion was made by Katherine Aaron and seconded by Jeff Smith to approve the minutes from August 30th, 2022.  All in favor, motion carried.
  4. Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council Refresher: The Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council was formed to develop a comprehensive multi agency plan to implement the continuum of a county-based response to juvenile crime and comprehensive multi agency plan, pursuant to WIC 749.22.  The JJCC is comprised of 13 permanent voting members with designated alternates.  Members include Probation, District Attorney, Public Defender, Sheriff, Board of Supervisors, Social Services, Behavioral Health, City Police Department, County Office of Education/School District, Community Representatives, Non-profit/Community Based Organizations. 
  5. Review Data and Trend Analysis: Trend analysis are as follows:
    1. Middle school and high school enrollments are down 1.3% from last fiscal year.  Juvenile arrest trend in SLO County is down by 44% between 2020 and 2021.
    2. School enrollment FY2021-2022, by region: SLO/Coast 4272, North County 6981, South County 4934.
    3. Juvenile Arrest Trend, 2017-2021: Total number of arrest by year in SLO County are down by 82% between 2017 and 2021.  In California juvenile arrest are down by 66% between 2017 and 2021.
    4. Juvenile Booking Trend for FY2019-2022: In 2019 reported bookings 269, 2020 reported bookings 127, 2021 reported booking 83, 2022 reported bookings 115.
    5. Juvenile bookings were down 35% between 2020 and 2021 with bookings as follows: 23 for felony offenses, 25 for misdemeanors and 35 for other offenses which included 26 for probation violations, 8 for warrants and 1 for a violation of home supervision.
  6. Review Plan Components & Updates: The current programs are currently being funded by the JJCPA allocation are as follows:
    1. Restorative Dialogue Program – The program is supplemented by a grant that ended in February. Funding for the RFP program will end at the end of the fiscal year.  This is one of the components that will need to be modified in the plan in order to continue programs and services.
    2. Community Diversion, Prevention & Intervention – The officer for Juvenile Intensive caseloads, continues to keep the case load small as well continuing focusing on youths needs driven by risk assessment.  This program is also funded by JJCPA.
    3. Juvenile Intensive Caseloads
    4. Forward Thinking Journaling - This is a direct service program that is provided by probation by assigning case managers to work with youth. Funding for this program is provided by JJCPA.
    5. Specialized Probation Foster Home – The contract with Family Care Network was approved in January.  The next step is to identify a foster parent and obtain a home.  A contract is currently in place and will remain part of the plan.
    6. Coastal Valley Academy - Youthful Offender Block Grant funds were made available through the state in the first realignment.  Narrowing the criteria for fewer youth for county sending youth to do state time.  In order to keep youth local, JJCPA funding is needed. 
  7. Review & Discuss Potential Changes to the Plan
    1. Restorative Dialogue Program Grant funding for expanded program ended 2-28-23.  JJCC supported JJCPA funding through Fiscal Year 2022-23 to maintain grant funded level of service across continuum.  Funding is requested to support new contract at a reduced service level for FY 23-24 for justice involved youth and targeted prevention for at-risk non-justice involved youth.
    2. Specialized Probation Foster Home - Family Care Network, Inc. selected through RFP process as foster family agency.  The contract with FCNI was approved by BOS 01/24/2023.  A resource parent has been identified and the porting process from another FFA is underway.   Next step is to identify suitable housing.
    3. Annual Plan Proposed Addition Supportive Housing - Currently exploring option for FY23-24 to enhance options for youth across the justice continuum.  As well as expand capacity in identified area of need while creating access for non-foster youth from funding JJCPA, YOBG, SB823)  The program builds support for exploration of and enrollment in college courses. Including supports transition of justice involved youth to Community College / Vocational Programs through blended funding (JJCPA/YOBG/823
  8. Wrap Up and Next Steps
    1. The next JJCC meeting is scheduled for 04/19/2023 to review updates to the Annual Plan.
    2. Submit Consolidated Annual Plan to BSCC on or before 05/01/2023.
    3. Future Meeting of JJCC in August/September 2023 for review of Data and Expenditure report due to BSCC by 10/01/2023

 Meeting adjourned at 3:45 pm.

 Respectfully submitted by Maria Woodworth, JJCC Secretary