Probation Department Agenda / Minutes
JJRS Minutes 01.23.2024
Meeting Date & Time | 1/23/2024 2:30 PM |
Location | SLO County Probation Department 1730 Bishop Street, San Luis Obispo, CA |
Description | 01.23.2024 Minutes |
Virtual Link |
Juvenile Justice Realignment Subcommittee Meeting
Tuesday, January 23, 2024, at 2:30 PM
The Juvenile Justice Realignment Subcommittee (JJRS) is an advisory body required by Welfare and Institutions Code section 1995(a) and tasked with developing a plan describing the facilities, programs, placements, services, supervision, and reentry strategies for youth who would have formerly been eligible for commitment to the Division of Juvenile Justice. The JJRS Meeting was open to the public and held at the County of San Luis Obispo Probation Department Main Office 1730 Bishop Street, San Luis Obispo.
Council Members:
Chief Probation Officer (Chair) - NA
Superior Court- Judge Gayle Peron
District Attorney - Steve von Dohlen
Public Defender - Linda Currey
Social Services – Nancy Kuster
County Office of Education - Katherine Aaron
Behavioral Health – Jill Rietjens
At-large CBO - Jon Nibbio
At-large CBO- Mariana Guitierrez
Additional Attendees:
Probation Department – Tom Milder (Vice-Chair)
Probation Department – Kyle Nancolas
Probation Department – Larissa Heeren
Probation Department – Maria Woodworth
- Welcome & Introductions
- The meeting was called to order at 2:38 p.m. Assistant Chief Tom Milder welcomed and thanked the group for their ongoing participation. Members introduced themselves.
- Public Comment
- No public comment.
- Review and Approval of Minutes from 2-28-23 and 7-25-23 Meetings.
- A motion was made to approve the minutes from February 28, 2023, and July 25, 2023, by Katherine Aaron, seconded Steve von Dohlen. All in favor, motion carried.
- JJRS Refresher
- Assistant Chief Tom Milder reviewed today’s meeting agenda and provided a refresher to the group on the authority for and purpose of the JJRS. The JJRS is a subcommittee of the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council required by WIC 1995(a) and tasked with developing a plan describing the facilities, programs, placement, services, supervision, and reentry strategies for youth who would have formerly been eligible for commitment to the Division of Juvenile Justice.
- Seeking Opportunity and Achieving Reentry (SOAR) Program Update
- Currently the SOAR program is comprised of 11 youth. Of of those 11 youth, 1 is on Community Supervision discharged from the Secure Track, 4 are committed to the Coastal Valley Academy (non-Secure Track), 1 is in a Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP), 1 on Community Supervision non-Secure Track and 4 are serving Secure Track commitments. All of the SOAR program youth are male, between 16-19 years of old. Ethnic makeup of 1 white, 8 Latinx, 1 Filipino, 1 Black. Offenses include: 4 robberies, 3 assaults with great bodily injury, 2 sexual offenses, 2 for shooting at inhabited dwelling and or vehicle.
- Legislative Update- Assembly Bill 505 : Assembly Bill 505 (Ting) went into effect on January 1, 2024. This bill makes changes to SB 823 local planning processes, requires annual OYCR site visits, and makes changes to OYCR ombudsperson.
- WIC 209: Adds camps, ranches, and secure youth treatment facilities to list of juvenile facilities that a juvenile court judge must inspect annually.
- WIC 827: Adds personnel of the OYCR to those who can access case files under WIC 827 to carry out the duties of the office pursuant to the ombudsperson code sections.
- WIC 1991: Technical language changes
- WIC 1995: Allows for a co-chair to be selected to serve with the Chief Probation Officer as Chair of the JJRS.
- Adds language: realignment plan shall “be developed with review and participation of the subcommittee community members… and shall be approved by a majority of the subcommittee.
- Adds a new element to the plan: A description of progress made and any objective and outcomes in the plan submitted the previous calendar year.
- Amends (e) regarding ongoing funding- Requires that the JJRS convene “no less frequently than twice per year” and “shall update the plan annually.”
- Amends (f) and adds language that OYCR shall review the plan “elements and follows the planning process” and may return the plan for revision to complete the required planning process.
- WIC 2200: Removes the Ombudspersons 48-hour notice requirement to access juvenile facility records and to meet or communicate privately with youth, personnel and volunteers.
- Grants Ombudsperson authority to interview sworn personnel and witnesses.
- Adds a new definition of “record:”
- Requires site visits by Ombudsperson annually.
- Recommended Updates to Bylaws
- Due to the changes pursuant to AB 505 the following changes to the bylaws were proposed. The current bylaws govern the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Counsel and JJRS as a subcommittee of the JJCC. A copy of the current bylaws was dispersed to all committee members; with proposed changes noted in red.
- Proposed changes to the bylaws include the following:
- Adding Article VI 3.: Gives JJRS committee the ability to elect a co-chair and requirement is that the co-chair be a standing member of the committee; nominated and elected through a majority vote.
- Adding Article VI 4.: Annual review and approval of the realignment annual plan.
- Adding Co-chair to Article VII 2. Responsibilities of Officers.
- A motion was made by Judge Gayle Perron to approve the bylaws as amended. Seconded by Linda Currey, all in favor, motion carried.
- Co-chair Discussion
- Tom Milder opened the co-chair topic up for discussion to all the committee members. The idea across the state is to ensure that no one chair, or agency is dominating a subcommittee. Collectively the committee agreed there is no current need for a subcommittee vice chair. The committee agreed the topic could be revisited and any future meeting as needed.
- Funded Plan Component Updates
- Components in place and ongoing:
- Realignment/Programs Deputy Probation Officer
- Juvenile Hall Program Manager
- Behavioral Health Clinician
- Specialized Probation Foster Home
- Independent Living Program (ILP) for non-foster youth
- Specialized Facility Placements Fund (added reserves)
- Plan Components in progress.
- Contracts Pending:
- Supportive Housing
- Post-Secondary Classified Coordinator
- Pine Grove Conservation (Fire) Camp
- Probation Program Manager: Position allocation request in FY 24-25 budget.
- Contracts Pending:
- Future Planning Discussion: The topic of considerations for additions to the plan or other identified needs was opened up for discussion. Subcommittee member will bring thoughts and ideas back to next meeting in March 2024.
- Components in place and ongoing:
- Wrap Up and Next Steps
- FY 2023-24 Finalize the following contracts.
- Post- Secondary education Coordinator
- Pine Grove Youth Conservation Camp
- Supportive Housing
- FY 2023-24 Finalize the following contracts.
• Next JJRS Subcommittee meeting March 26th, 2024, 3pm Probation Department Main Office.