Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
1.6 Opening a Paperless File in Investigations
Location | Clerical |
Section | Unit Wide |
Subject | 1.6 Opening a Paperless File in Investigations |
Purpose | Instructions on opening a paperless file in an investigation event |
Effective Date | 4/5/2019 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 1/1/0001 12:00 AM |
Opening A Paperless File In An Investigations Event
The opening of a paperless file is essentially the same as opening any other file, with the exception of nothing being printed, except the CLETS. For step-by-step instructions on creating a file, please see the Desktop Guides. The following are the steps for opening a paperless file:
1. Import Case/Defendant Information from CJIS into Monitor. Open the Investigations event as you normally would; however, there is no need to print the photo or Narrative. Additionally, a note needs to be made in the Notes box of the Setup screen as follows:
************PAPERLESS FILE****************
2. Run and print your CLETS. Highlight the defendant’s name for easy identification for the officers.
3. In Odyssey, locate the case that has been referred. Click on the Case Summary button and print the Case Summary as a PDF (this can be done using Cute PDF Writer or other similar programs). After you select Print, there will be a slight delay, then you will be prompted to choose a location to save your document.
4. In Odyssey, go to the documents tab and follow the same procedure for the Complaint & Police Report, Tahl Waivers, other charging documents, etc., that was used for the Case Summary.
5. If additional documents are received from the defendant, their attorney, victims, etc., scan each of these documents for uploading into Monitor (it is time saving if these documents are scanned into the same folder as your previously downloaded documents).
6. After your Investigation event has been set up, now we can import our saved documents. Go to the Documents tab in Monitor, click on the Import tab. Click the Import button in the top right-hand corner. Select Browse and locate the folder into which you have saved/scanned your documents. Select a document, name and date the document accordingly (i.e., 18F-0001 Case Summary, PPRF, Probation Questionnaire, Tahl Waiver, etc. The date should either be the date the document was downloaded from Odyssey or the date that the document was received by our officer.
7. Assign the event to the Investigations SDPO. He will assign it to a DPO and print a green slip. The Legal Clerk will then distribute the CLETS and green slips to the appropriate DPO.
Processing a Report for a Paperless File
Once a report is completed by the DPO and reviewed by the SDPO, the Investigations Roster in Monitor will reflect that a report is ready to go. The report will be processed and distributed as always, with the exception that we will not need to retain a file copy.
After the report has been processed and placed in the mail run, the dropdown on the lower right-hand side of the Setup screen should be changed from “pending” to “paperless