Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
1.17 Caseload Conference
Location | Division Wide |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 1.17 Caseload Conferences |
Purpose | To establish the frequency and expectations for caseload conferences in the Adult Division. |
Effective Date | 6/3/2019 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 1/1/0001 12:00 AM |
To enhance the Department’s performance in meeting its mission, case conferences conducted by SDPO’s with each of their staff is critical. In addition to monthly statistical reviews, the SDPO’s shall utilize the following case conferencing components:
- regular audits of files/cases to review assessments.
- case plans.
- referral enrollments/placements and journal notes.
Case conferencing establishes a formal venue and process for supervisors to deliver feedback to staff regarding competencies in core principles of case management and adherence to Department’s caseload standards.
Supervisors will work with officers to ensure that appropriate offenders (medhigh and high risk) are referred to available cognitive behavioral services. Deputy Probation Officers will case manage by:
- using sanctions to assist with long-term offender change.
- ensure sanctions are aligned with EBP (i.e., based on risk and need).
- administer them as close in time to the negative behavior as possible and clearly linked with the behavior.
- starting with the lowest level of sanction needed to change the behavior.
General Procedure
SDPOs will hold one on one case conferences with each of their assigned caseload carrying staff on a quarterly basis. Nothing in this procedure prevents an SDPO from conducting more regular case conferences as needed.
The SDPO will complete the following in preparation of the case conference:
- Send the DPO an e-mail notice they are to meet with their SDPO for a caseload conference on a specific date and time. Notice shall be sent at least 10 calendar days in advance and include reminders for the following:
- Notes and case plans need to be current (Be sure the journal notes address case plan objectives)
- No contact reasons updated within calendar month
- For probationers in custody, be sure that you have completed the booking type in monitor.
- Enrollments need to be current (check Monitor enrollments open over 6 months to verify validity).
- Cases with LSI or LSCMI shall have a current case plan (case plan should focus on at least 3 of the highest risk factors from LSI/LSCMI).
- Offenders who are identified as unable to contact shall have a no contact reason entered into Monitor Journal Notes within the calendar month. If a warrant request is pending within the calendar month the DPO shall use warrant as the no contact reason and shall insure a request for warrant and revoking order is prepared in Monitor for SDPO approval.
- Offenders who are in residential treatment are to be confirmed (contact with the residential staff) within the calendar month in monitor notes as well as the no contact reason.
- Be prepared to discuss and resolve low or med/low cases or temporary override cases which are assigned to the officer.
- Run the Caseload Standards Review for Adult Caseload Standards V4 Report from the external tab after selecting an officer’s caseload and a specific offender assigned to that caseload.
Format the report by:
- Entering the Start and End date for time period to be reviewed
- Set the Field Contact Standard, Office Contact Standard, Contact Standard dropdowns to the appropriate #.
- Select the risk level to be reviewed from the Dropdown menu. Note: running separate reports per risk level of offenders assigned to the officer’s caseload generates cleaner results for review.
- Select the officer’s team from the dropdown menu.
- Select the specific officer from the dropdown menu.
Case Conference
During the Case Conference the SDPO will review the following with the assigned DPO:
- Adult Caseload Review report results.
- Met caseload contact standard and percentage of contact location office or field.
- Case plans being current.
- LS/CMI Assessment current.
- Enrollments Current or why offender not enrolled in programing.
- No contact reason if applicable.
The SDPO will select a random sample of high and med/high risk cases from the DPOs caseload for an in-depth review of core correctional practices including:
- Identify the highest risk sub-categories of LS/CMI & did the DPO review these with the offender.
- Was the driver identified by the DPO and reviewed with the offender?
- Do case plan objectives address the driver(s) and other high risk/need areas from LS/CMI?
- Are program enrollments reflected in the case plan and address driver(s) and/or other high risk/need areas from LS/CMI?
- Did DPO prioritize treatment(s) in case plan with the offender - stabilization needs prioritized ahead of CBT programing.
- Do Journal notes reflect review of case plan objectives with offender including adjustments in frequency and dose of treatment as identified.
- Do Journal notes reflect observation/feedback of the offender’s stage of change in attitude toward treatment, offense, probation status, victim?
- Do Journal notes reflect observation/feedback from treatment providers regarding offender progress?
- Do Journal notes reflect the DPO is appropriately utilizing rewards and sanctions in a timely manner?
Following the conclusion of the case conference the SDPO is to evaluate areas the supervision officer did well in and areas needing improvement. The areas identified needing improvement which are outside of standardized compliance or which deviate from core competencies are to be addressed by ongoing coaching and monitoring. These areas may include time management, prioritization of duties, core competencies, utilization/scoring of the LS/CMI, appropriate/timely sanctions and rewards, driver identification, etc. Resources are to be identified and utilized as appropriate which may include: LS/CMI instructor coaching/observation, DPO III CQI coaching/observation, review of caseload standards and expectations, Monitor data entry or further training as available.