SWRP Development
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Region-wide Efforts
The San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District received a grant award through the Proposition 1 [The Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014] Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Program administered by the State Department of Water Resources (DWR) to develop a region-wide SWRP.
The City of Arroyo Grande received a grant award through the Proposition 1 Stormwater Grant Program administered by the State Water Resource Control Board (SWRCB) to develop a SWRP for the Arroyo Grande Creek and Pismo Creek watersheds.
Note: The City of San Luis Obispo has completed the stormwater resource planning efforts for the San Luis Obispo Creek watershed.
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has been established for the development of the region-wide SWRP and includes representatives from the State Water Board, Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, and interested parties such as municipalities, water suppliers, local agencies, non-governmental organizations, public utilities, and regulatory agencies.
There are nine (9) TAC Areas established to facilitate stakeholder involvement and stormwater resource planning efforts.
TAC members are designated as the lead representatives for each TAC Area. Stakeholders are invited to contact the Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District (CLSRCD) at [email protected] or (805) 772-4391 for more information.
Public & Stakeholder Meetings
Recap of 2018 Public Outreach Meetings