Salinas Dam Disposition Study

Salinas Dam

Project Updates

Disposition Study Scoping Process

USACE must satisfy requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) as part of the Disposition Study effort to ensure that the environmental impacts of the project are considered. As part of the NEPA scoping process, USACE held a virtual Scoping Meeting and a Public Scoping Comment Period in late 2021 to invite the public, stakeholders, and agencies to provide comments on issues and concerns pertaining to the Salinas Dam Disposition Study. The Scoping Meeting Slides are posted on USACE's project webpage.


Authorized under Section 216 of the Flood Control Act of 1970, a disposition study gives the USACE the authority to evaluate a project which is no longer serving its federal purpose. 

The Salinas Dam is not being used for federal purposes, but it is a critical water supply storage facility locally.  The study is being done to determine whether it is feasible to dispose of the facility and transfer ownership to a local agency.

A Disposition Study is intended to determine whether a water resources development project, and the associated real property and Government-owned improvements owned by the USACE should undergo disposal and to identify the most feasible method of doing so.

Any authorized method of permanently divesting the USACE’s control of and responsibility for real estate.  The Integrated Disposition Study and Environmental Assessment will evaluate potential methods and the potential impacts of disposal of the site.

The study will evaluate no action and disposal alternatives.  No action means to maintain the status quo.

The study is 100% Federally funded.  Local agencies are also spending staff time on participating in the process.

USACE will release a Draft Disposition Report and Environmental Assessment in 2020 for public review. If disposal is recommended, USACE and a potential future owner will lead public involvement opportunities.