County Jail inmates, who participate in the Women's Honor Farm Sewing Program, donated handmade items to ECHO.

Women’s Honor Farm Donates Handmade Items to ECHO

Author: Sheriff's Office
Date: 8/13/2018 4:42 PM

A local homeless shelter that supports families in North County now have a variety of handmade items thanks to program at County Jail.

On Monday, Aug. 13, the Women’s Honor Farm Sewing Program donated handmade pillows, pajamas, and blankets to the El Camino Homeless Shelter (ECHO). 

The Women’s Honor Farm Sewing Program helps inmates gain valuable skills and gives them the opportunity to give back to the community. 

On behalf of the program, County Senior Correctional Deputy Lisa Piotrowski received a warm thank you and a certificate of appreciation from ECHO President and CEO Wendy Lewis. 

ECHO is a 50-bed transitional homeless shelter serving all the communities in the North County areas. The nonprofit organization helps families and individuals find permanent housing within three months of entering. About 60% of ECHO’s beds are occupied by children and their parents. 

For more information about the County Sheriff's Office Honor Farm programs, visit