Animal Bites, Quarantines, and Rabies Control

What is the process?

Report a Bite to Animal Services

Call San Luis Obispo County Animal Services at (805) 781-4400 or download and complete the animal bite form here. The completed form may be faxed to (805) 781-1065, or emailed to

Animal Quarantine

Callifornia State Law states that any animal that has bitten a person, or that has potentially been exposed to rabies through contact with a wild animal is required to be quarantined.

A quarantine is described as the animal being securely confined and kept from contact with any other animal.

Quarantine locations, upon approval, include:

  • Home
  • Other home residence
  • Vet office
  • San Luis Obispo County Animal Services

Quarantine times vary depending on the situation:

  • 10 days
  • 30 days
  • 180 days

An animal quarantine officer will visit the location of quarantine for approval of the property and to view the health of the animal. At the end of the quarantine period, an officer will revist the location and view the animal to make sure it is not showing any signs of having rabies.

If you have any questions regarding a previously reported bite or quarantine, please call (805) 781-4400.

Who is eligible?

Animal quarantines are established by, and under the order of, an animal control officer. Failure of an animal owner or caretaker to comply with a quarantine order is a misdemeanor under California state law.

Is there a charge for this service?

Depending on the circumstances of the bite event or exposure, a fee may be assessed for the processing and establishment of an animal quarantine. Fees vary based on the specific details of the event and the location of quarantine. Contact Animal Services directly for more specific information.

When and where is this service offered?

The location, duration, and conditions of an animal quarantine are determined on a case by case basis depending on the specific details of the bite event.

Location, directions and hours of operation

Click on location name to show hours of operation, directions and phone information

865 Oklahoma Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

Tel: (805) 781-4400

Lost and Found Animal Recording: (805) 781-4407


Yes, all animal bites, including minor bites, are required by state and local law to be reported to animal services.

No. While a quarantine is required to address potential rabies concerns, the removal of the animal only occurs in those circumstances where there is a history of aggressive behavior or in situations where the severity of the bite suggests a significant risk to the safety of the general public.

If your pet was bitten by a wild animal, especially a skunk, raccoon, bat, or fox, please contact Animal Services and your veterinarian.

Bites by other domestic animals are not generally subject to quarantine or rabies control measures. However, if the bite occurred as a result of an aggressive animal running at large, the bite should be reported to Animal Services.

Depending on the circumstances of the bite event or exposure, a fee my be assessed for the processing and establishment of an animal quarantine. Fees vary based on the specific details of the event and the location of quarantine. Contact animal services directly for more specific information.