P1R2 Call For Projects

Welcome to the Call for Projects for the Prop 1, Round 2 IRWM Implementation Grant. Please see below for all relevant application timelines, requirements, documents and references. 

Funding available to the SLO Region is $3,782,129 with a minimum of $499,599 for DAC projects. 


  1. April 6, 2022. Review Call for Projects at RWMG Meeting. Complete, see link below.
  2. April 7 – 28, 2022. Call for projects is open (21 days).
  3. April 28 – 29, 2022. Eligibility Screening by staff.
  4. May 4, 2022, Project Showcase @ Joint WRAC and RWMG Meeting, 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Applications will present projects to members and public stakeholders (more details below).
  5. May 17th, 2022. DWR Releases Final Grant Documents, including pushing back the submittal date to February 1, 2023.
  6. August 25th, 2022. RWMG Working Group meeting to finalize scores and prepare funding recommendation
  7. September 7, 2022 @ RWMG Meeting, 10am – 12pm. Members to vote on the projects and funding recommendation by the Working Group for the DWR application.
  8. October 5, 2022 @ WRAC Meeting, 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Per our program MOU.
  9. November 8 or December 6 @ Board of Supervisors. BOS authorization to submit application.
  10. February 1, 2023, or earlier. Application submitted to DWR for review. Assumes BOS approval.

Note: this schedule may be altered/update based on updates from DWR.

Submitted Projects may be accessed below.

Please contact Brendan Clark with any questions: (805) 788-2316 or bclark@co.slo.ca.us


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