Los Osos Low Income Financial Assistance Program

Who is eligible?

Tenants and owner-occupied households connected to the Los Osos Sewer and who also qualify for the PG&E California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE).

When and where is this service offered?

Enrollment is an annual process, and documents must be submitted prior to April 30th each year to be considered. This will continue annually until ended by the Board or the funding amount is depleted.

All documents and questions can be emailed to PublicWorks@co.slo.ca.us, dropped off in person at 976 Osos Street, Room 206, or mailed to the County Department of Public Works, County Government Center, Room 207, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408.

When are the timelines to apply?

  • February 15 (or earlier): Public Works to send mailer to current applicants requesting the updated information below.
  • April 30: Applicant’s last day to submit documentation of eligibility of PG&E CARE program (incomplete applications will be returned)
  • June 15: Public Works staff determines eligibility and sends notices to qualifying participants
  • June 30:  Last day to appeal an eligibility decision
  • December 31 (or earlier): Reimbursement checks to be mailed to eligible participants

What is the process?

Owner-occupied Applicants

Owner-occupied applicants need to send a copy of their most recent PG&E bill denoting that customer CARE on their billing, with the Assessment Parcel Number written on the bill - see PG&E's sample bill here.  Owners will be responsible for paying the full amount of the service charges due on their annual tax bill.

Tenant-occupied Applicants

Tenant-occupied applicants need to send a copy of their PG&E bill and have their landlord fill out the Utilities Included in Rent form. The PG&E bill should denote that customer CARE on their billing, with the Assessment Parcel Number written on the bill - see PG&E's sample bill here. Landlords need to attest that the renter is responsible for the waste water costs.

Renters and New Homeowners

Renters and new homeowners who were not living in or owning the property for a full fiscal year will receive a prorated amount.

Incomplete forms will be returned.

Location, directions and hours of operation

Click on location name to show hours of operation, directions and phone information

Monday - Friday 8-5

976 Osos Street Room 206
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408

Tel: (805) 781-5252

Fax: (805) 781-1229