Public Authority - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)

What is the process?

Step 1: Enrollment

There are a few options for how to get started (select one):

Enroll online

•Call 805-474-2055

•Submit an inquiry and a Public Authority Staff Member will reach out

Step 2: Verification for Employment

Sign up for a Provider Group Check-In by calling 805-474-2055

Required Documents:

•Valid Government Issued ID
•Original Social Security Card

Step 3: Receive Enrollment Packet in Mail

Packet includes the following documents which must be completed:

SOC 341A / SOC341A Spanish sign and turn in at Group Check-In or mail back with return envelope provided.
•Request for Live Scan Form:
•Bring form to a local fingerprint vendor
•Live Scan fingerprints will be submitted to the Department of Justice (DOJ). IHSS providers must pass a criminal background check to be eligible.


Tier 1 Crimes (English) & Tier 1 Crimes (Spanish)

Tier 2 Crimes (English) & Tier 2 Crimes (Spanish)

Step 4: Log-in to Online Portal

Email invitation from

NOTE: You have 30 days to log-in to the online portal and 90 days to complete once an activity is started.

Once all steps are finished, you will be notified that your enrollment is complete.

When and where is this service offered?

Provider orientations are conducted throughout the County on different days of the month. To find out when the next orientation is being held, call the Public Authority Orientation Line at 805-474-2055.


Looking for additional IHSS hours or needing an IHSS client to provide care for?

Join our robust Caregiver Registry. We have clients all over the county looking for support to remain in their homes. Call 805-474-2055 for more information and to complete your Registry application.


Back-Up Provider System (BUPS)

Approved Registry providers are eligible to enroll as a BUPS provider through our Back-Up Provider System (BUPS).

BUPS provides a +$2.00 per hour pay differential to providers who can respond and provide short-term IHSS services when an IHSS client’s existing provider is unexpectedly unavailable or other extenuating circumstances.

Click here for enrollment forms.

Location, directions and hours of operation

Click on location name to show hours of operation, directions and phone information

Monday - Friday 8-4; 4-5 by appt only

1086 East Grand Avenue
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Tel: (805) 474-2000


Sixteen hours of Sick leave is earned if an IHSS Provider has been paid 100 hours providing IHSS Tasks.  A provider would need an additional 200 hours paid for providing IHSS Task before the sick time can be claimed. 

If eligible to use paid sick leave complete the SOC 2302 and mail to the address listed at the bottom of the form.

Hours earned are listed on pay warrant

1.Enroll online or call 805-474-2055

2.Verify employment eligibility and sign up for a Provider Group Check-In

3.Receive and complete enrollment packet

4.Log-in to online portal to finalize orientation and enrollment

As an IHSS Provider in San Luis Obispo County, you will have optional representation from UDW – Home Care Providers Union.

Department of Social Services does not provide tax advice, therefore, IHSS providers with questions about taxes are encouraged to consult with a tax advisor.

If you receive income from the In-Home Support Services (IHSS) program for providing care to someone you live with, you may have the option to exclude IHSS wages from Federal Income Tax (FIT) and State Income Tax (SIT) by completing and submitting the Live-In Self-Certification Form (SOC 2298).

If you work and reside with more than one recipient, you must complete and submit a separate Live-In Self-Certification Form for each recipient.

For more information visit: Live-In Provider Self-Certification Information on the CDSS website.

  • If you are enrolled in electronic timesheets, you can view and print up to 3 months of wage history using the Electronic Services Portal
  • If you are enrolled in telephone timesheets, you can request proof of wage history through the Telephone Timesheet System or by calling Public Authority at (805) 474-2055.


IHSS providers can be paid for travel time instead of being reimbursed for mileage or fuel expenses. Travel time is the time it takes a provider to travel directly from the location where they care for a recipient to another location to provide services for a different recipient on the same day.

IHSS Travel Time Flyer (English)

IHSS Travel Time Flyer (Spanish)


For information on IHSS provider insurance benefits, contact your local UDW office.

Beginning July 1, 2023, all IHSS and WPCS providers who do not live with their recipient are required to check-in and out at the beginning and end of each workday and indicate if services are being provided in the home or community.

Non-Live-in Providers are able to check-in and out using either the new IHSS EVV Mobile Application (App), the Electronic Services Portal (ESP), or the Telephone Timesheet System (TTS) using the recipient’s landline telephone. Check-in, check-out and location information will populate on the provider’s electronic timesheet automatically, saving time for providers when submitting timesheets at the end of the pay period.

Yes! Federal law requires EVV systems electronically capture the location of IHSS / Waiver Personal Care Services (WPCS) providers at the start and end of each workday to ensure the recipients are receiving services in their home.

  • Electronic Visit Verification Location Services Frequently Asked Questions: ENGLISH / SPANISH

Your maximum weekly hours are your recipient’s total monthly authorized hours, divided by four. Your recipient’s monthly authorized hours can be found on the SOC 2271 – Provider Notification of Recipient’s Authorized Hours and Services and Maximum Weekly Hours.

You can also contact a Payroll Clerk at one of the following numbers:

  • Arroyo Grande   805-474-2103
  • Atascadero        805-461-6110

To request the status of your timesheet, please call  the Provider Timesheet Status Help Desk at 1 (866) 376-7066.

For Electronic Timesheets, choose Option 4.

Effective July 1, 2022, IHSS and WPCS providers are required to receive their paycheck by direct deposit.  Direct Deposit is a faster way for IHSS providers to receive their IHSS payroll checks. With Direct Deposit, the IHSS provider’s payroll check is deposited directly into the provider’s checking or savings account instead of being sent through the mail.

Frequently Asked Questions: ENGLISH or SPANISH

To enroll in Direct Deposit:

  • The fastest and easiest way to sign up is to visit: IHSS Electronic Services Portal (ESP)
    • Select the Financial tab, select Direct Deposit, then select “Direct Deposit Entry”.
  • Call the IHSS Service Desk at 866-376-7066
  • Download the SOC 829 form by visiting: CDSS website
    • Mail the completed form to the address provided.

Please note that a separate Direct Deposit form must be completed for each recipient for whom you provide IHSS services.

To be eligible to IHSS, recipient’s must be receiving Medi-Cal. Depending on the amount of income recipient’s have, they may have a Share-of-Cost (SOC). This is the amount of money that must be paid each month, before Medi-Cal will pay for any benefits.

Share-of-Cost Fact Sheet (English/Spanish)

The Caregiver Registry is a list of eligible IHSS providers who are able and available to provide services to IHSS recipients. Providers who do not have a client or providers who are looking for more hours can become part of the registry. When a recipient contacts the Registry, Public Authority will send a list of providers, who are able and available to work in the recipient’s area, to the recipient.

Learn more about the Caregiver Registry

Caregiver Registry Application and Instructions (English/Spanish)

Effective 2/1/16, IHSS /WPCS providers are potentially eligible for payment of overtime, travel time & wait time compensation.

2016 Fair Labor Standards Act Video


California Hotline: (916) 551-1011, Mon-Fri 9am-4pm


Mail: 77 P Street, Mail Stop 9-9-04, Sacramento, CA 95814

There are several training modules available on the CDSS Website & through UDW. The usage of these training resources is optional, but are designed to help provide consistency, accountability & increased quality of care for IHSS recipients.

CDSS Voluntary Provider Training Curriculum

UDW Training Opportunities

IHSS Providers may sign up for CalSavers. CalSavers is an optional retirement program. Providers can enroll online at or by calling (855) 650-6918.

For more information: CalSavers / CalSavers (Sp)