Orders & Guidance

Health officer orders have changed throughout the pandemic based on the level of transmission in our communities. See the latest orders currently in effect, as well as the latest guidance and best practices for staying safe.

Subscribe to SLO County COVID-19 email updates to receive updates regarding new local orders, and subscribe to CDPH COVID-19 Policy Alerts for updates to California state public health officer orders and public health mandates related to COVID-19.

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Health Officer Orders

Guidance has changed throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.  See the latest local and state health officer orders below.

Current Local Orders

Mandatory Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccination of Health Care Workers in San Luis Obispo County (Sept. 21, 2023). Requires health care facilities/organizations to adopt and implement a policy to require that all health care workers receive the annual influenza vaccine and remain up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccination (receive at least one dose of an updated 2023-24 COVID-19 vaccine) OR sign a written declination and wear surgical mask or higher-level respirator (e.g., N95, KN95, KF94) with good fit while on duty during flu season, defined as November 1 to April 30 of the following year. 

Current State Orders

For an overview of all State orders and guidance related to COVID-19, visit the California Department of Public Health COVID-19 Guidance Hub. This hub includes State Health Officer Orders, workplace guidance, health care guidance, education guidance, archived/historic documents, and more.

See State Orders by Topic


Guidance and Best Practices

Guidance has changed throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. See current guidance and best practices below.


Face masks: Guidance for the Use of Face Masks in California is now based on recommendations, not requirements in most settings. An important exception is that masking is generally required in the workplace for 10 days if you have COVID-19 (after leaving isolation). Specific businesses and workplaces may also have their own more protective requirements. Masking also provides important protection against COVID-19, particularly in crowded indoor settings.

Events & Gatherings:
California Mask Guidance (CDPH) 
Holidays and COVID-19 (Gathering Safely) (CDPH) 

Indoor Settings at High Risk for Transmission of COVID-19: See local guidance summarizing requirements, recommendations and best practices for settings at high risk for transmission of COVID-19 (updated July 2024). Such settings include long-term care settings and adult and senior care facilities (including day programs that serve their residents), homeless shelters, emergency shelters and cooling and heating centers, and state and local correctional facilities and detention centers. In addition, managers of certain other settings may be aware of characteristics of their environment or participants that lead them to consider the setting to be high-risk.

Travelers: Follow CDC recommendations.


Additional restrictions and required precautions may apply to specific industries and settings, including health care, congregate care, correctional, and youth settings (including schools and childcare).

See AFL 21-08.9, AFL 22-13.1, PIN 23-02-ASC, and more detailed guidance above. 

For best practice information, see these CDC recommendations on How to Protect Yourself and Others.