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County Of San Luis Obispo Courthouse

SLO County Judge Upholds Redistricting Map for June Election

Author: Administration
Date: 2/10/2022 11:15 AM

Judge rules new map can be used for June Primary election.

San Luis Obispo Superior Court Judge Rita Federman ruled late yesterday the recently approved County redistricting map can be used in upcoming elections. A citizen’s group had requested a preliminary injunction to prohibit the new map from being used in the primary election in June.

County Supervisors approved the map in December. Judge Federman heard arguments from attorneys on both sides yesterday morning and issued her opinion last evening.

Judge Federman found that allowing the map to move forward is the least disruptive to the electoral process due to the time constraints that exists for the June election. You can read the judge’s opinion at the following link:

The court set a case management conference for March 14th, 2022. At that time, it is expected that the court will set the case for trial to determine if the map will stand for future elections.