County Grants Half Million Dollars to 40 Prado
Author: Administrative Office
Date: 7/25/2017 10:00 AM
40 Prado is now one step closer to construction.
The County granted the single largest local financial contribution to date to the new homeless services center at 40 Prado Road in San Luis Obispo on Tuesday.
The County Board of Supervisors approved an agreement with Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo (CAPSLO) to distribute a $500,000 grant to build the new center, known locally as 40 Prado, which will consolidate existing homeless services under one roof. This is the first center of its kind here in SLO County.
The new center will have 100 beds with the capacity to accommodate additional individuals on an emergency basis. It will also be designed to incorporate services, such as a working kitchen with job training opportunities for clients, as well as space to accommodate coordinated activities with partner agencies and County departments and programs.
In July 2014, the Board approved a request by CAPSLO for this $500,000 contribution toward construction of the center. However, the Board set the funds aside and voted to release the funds when the four conditions were met:
- The project had to receive an equivalent amount of funding from the community. It did so, raising more than the required $500,000 match of community funds.
- The full amount provided by the County must only be used for construction of the center. An agreement ensures that CAPSLO will meet this requirement.
- The County would not terminate the CAPSLO lease on a South Higuera property, which CAPSLO had previously leased to develop a different homeless services center, until the nonprofit made substantial progress on construction of 40 Prado. The lease was terminated in June 2017 after it was determined that the construction project was proceeding according to plans and that the lease on South Higuera was no longer needed.
- An operational plan was submitted that provided sufficient detail to ensure the project will move forward successfully. To satisfy this requirement, a list of facilities and services, as well as a proposed budget for the center was provided to the County.