File a Vessel Property Statement
All Vessels (boats and watercraft) are subject to local property tax unless they are specifically exempted by law. A Vessel Property Statement (BOE-576-D) is mailed to owners of documented or commercial vessels and all vessels valued at more than $90,000.
Who is eligible?
Owners of Vessels (boats and watercraft) over $90,000 or documented, commercial vessels may use this service.
When and where is this service offered?
This service is available January 1st to June 30th during regular business hours except during scheduled holidays.
Location, directions and hours of operation
Click on location name to show hours of operation, directions and phone information
Monday - Friday 8-5
1055 Monterey Street Suite D360
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408
Tel: (805) 781-5643
Main Office Fax: (805)-781-5641
Real and Business Property Fax: (805)-788-2042
Public Service/Front Counter Fax: (805)-788-2041
Mapping and Transfers Fax: (805)-781-4034
There is an exemption for documented vessels that are engaged or employed exclusively in commercial fishing, oceanographic research or "for hire" for commercial passenger fishing. The exemption reduces the assessed value to 4% of the full value of the vessel (which is equivalent to a 96% exemption). In order to receive this reduced assessment, a 4% Affidavit Form must be filed annually with the Assessor by February 15th. Late filing of the 4% Affidavit form entitles the owner to partial credit and may be filed up until August 1st. If you believe you qualify, please review the Exemptions information on this website.
We received information from the California DMV or another source indicating that you were the owner of a vessel. In order to value your boat correctly we need you to fill out the requested information and return the form to our office.
Documented vessels with the U.S, Coast Gard are also subject to assessment if they are inside the County.